Tuesday 20 November 2012


This is the day Alex should be having that operation on his hand but I doubt it will happen today.  He's not been vomit-free for long enough, I suspect.  However, being no specialist, I could be totally wrong - and if they think he is well enough it would be good.

I do feel a bit of a prune!  Lat week I oh-so-carefully planned this week's literacy and theme planning only to remember, yesterday, that Friday is a non-pupil day, which puts it all slightly out of kilter, darn it!  It's also messed up my student's three Reading Revelry group lessons which she has to plan and deliver, which is unavoidable but a great shame.  She said it doesn't matter, what will be assessed is the planning/evaluation cycle and she can show that anyway.  She took register yesterday, took them along to the hall for violins and afterwards back they came in a very controlled and sensible way.  Great start!

Can anyone have too much slow cooked lamb?  Lamb for breakfast yesterday, again for dinner and I've just prepared another lot for breakfast today (weird, I know, but my choice).  I find that conventionally roasted lamb isn't really the same second day.  It's still nice enough but not the same.  However, this slow cooked stuff is just gorgeous and seems to keep developing flavour.  Hardly a varied diet and it's protein overload, I know, but - mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.

Today is another slightly muddled day.  My student is certainly getting the idea of how it really is in schools at times.  Not the perfectly structured and timetabled smoothness that OFSTED looks for but the oopsy daisy mishmash of stuff that has to be fitted in somehow, somewhere.  Today is is family assembly rehearsals, show dance practice and outdoor PE (which is timetabled for the morning).  My student is taking register and then phonics - sorry, Word Workshop - and then I take over.  Another one of those days, for sure, although I think the afternoon is more settled.

Ho hum!

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