Saturday 17 November 2012


Weekend!  As I said, more or less, on Facebook, isn't it lucky it keeps coming round once a week, every seven days!  I do have to do some clearing up today as I have guests around for lunch tomorrow.  I bought a nice looking leg of lamb and want to do either a pulled lamb or a long, slow roasted dish so I have to look up some recipes - there's a lot of them about.  I'll serve it with roasted potatoes and a selection of veg.  I have to think about dessert . . .

Yesterday was a long day.  We had a non-uniform day, not for Children in Need, sadly, but to get things in for our Christmas fair which is in three weeks' time.  After school I hung around for a while but didn't get all that much done, after which I popped into Morrisons to get some stuff for Beth and Alex and then took it over.  Both invalids are improving slowly although Alex was very disinclined to talk much and took himself back to his room fairly quickly, bless him.

Having just written that, I've had a message to say the puking is back - poor old Al!  And Beth.  As she said, thank goodness she replaced the hall carpet with lino!

That's about it really!  Better get going with the tidying up, etc!

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