Wednesday 10 February 2021


 Good morning, everyone!  The snow has finally finished falling although you would never believe it snowed most of yesterday, judging by the amount that's left.  The pathways and the concrete paving is pretty much clear, the little slope up the cul-de-sac is also clear, thank goodness and the snow remains on the grass and soil, making it all look very pretty.  It looks as if we will have sunshine today and bitterly cold temperatures, especially as the day moves on.

Not the most handsome on the block but every garden needs its own snowman.

The washing is all done now but the ironing?  Nope.  I've felt very weary these last few days and slept around nine hours last night - unheard of!  I feel much brighter and breezier this morning.

The bread worked out much better yesterday.  I'm still not sure I am that fond of sourdough really but it was properly cooked, had a proper crunchy crust and tasted fine.  I think the salt content was a bit high with the first one too and I reduced it.  So today I have another go at a wholemeal, maybe mixed with some granary flour too, using my new measures and half quantities and see how that works.

The chat with Dad was great.  The time is extending as he gradually gets used to the medium and, as always, it was lovely to catch up.  He was extremely sad about his lovely neighbour but we both know that it was best for her; she was so very unwell and, while a hospice bed would have been good, she was probably much happier at home.  

Today starts with another chat, with Val today.  That's always good for an hour of amusement.  Shortly after that, there's personal training with Lindsey and that's all the scheduled things sorted.  As the pathways seem pretty clear, I may get some fresh (very fresh) air at some point and there's always that ironing.  Maybe today is the day to get it cleared.

What are your plans for today . . . xx?


  1. Handsome is as handsome does, I think your snowman is a handsome fellow.

    God bless.

    1. I'm sure he is very pleased to know that! ;-)

  2. I like your little snowman! We had a big snow over the weekend but it melted away quickly. Today it is sunny and that always makes me feel good. I, too, feel quite lethargic. Wondering if it is winter blues? Not sure. Hope your day is wonderful!

    1. I think i could just be winter blues. The days are getting noticeably longer again now though, thank goodness It won't be long before spring is sprunging!

  3. Your 'three snowball snowman' made me laugh ... he's cute!!

    1. lol - that's exactly what he is - a three snowball snowman. He's survived the day and is now undoubtedly supremely comfortable in the bitter cold of tonight.

  4. Maybe not the most handsome, but your snowman has a certain charm!

    I hope you had a good time today xx

    1. It's been a pleasant day all round really, thanks.
      Same to you too.
