Friday 5 February 2021

Garden snaps

 The sun is shining so I thought I'd pop out with my camera and bore you with the first garden update of 2021.  :-)
(thanks to Eileen for the idea)

Clematis ooh la la.  It's the fourth year and after a gentle start, it was beautiful last year so I have great hopes for this year.  I cut off a few green shoots when I pruned it, a sure sign it was about time.
Daffs in the clematis pot - more buds this year.
I have lots of hyacinths and they are starting to bud up.
Perennial trailing geranium - always a picture and I'm going to have to cut it back soon.  I might get Jeff to do it - it's hard to get the spade in.
Mini daffs.  I have loads as Morrisons always has pots of them at the end of the season, hugely reduced.
Miniature twisted hazel.  It's more intriguing than pretty.
Autumn fruiting raspberries starting to come up.  I will definitely have to get to the allotment and cut last year's canes back too.
The snowdrops are lovely again this year after a poor year in 2020,
From right to left - some random bulb, tulips and bluebells (the proper kind).
The first crocus - I believe this is one of the bulbs you kindly gave me, Eileen.  There are loads of tiny spires emerging.
Finally, very out of focus, the Crocosmia Lucifer is starting to shoot.  Each year I have loads of spires, get most of them out and up they come again.  Definitely, they need crowd control!

My garden is in quite a sheltered spot, a bit of a sun trap during the day, and I guess that's why things are coming up.  We're predicted snow over the weekend and I'd love a few photos of snowdrops in the snow.  We will see.  xx


  1. Lovely photos, and your garden is definitely ahead of mine. I don't have any flowers yet but there's lots of promise of things to come.

    1. That promise is a real spirit lifter, isn't it? I feel all the better for looking and snapping them and then taking a brisk walk to the post box and back again in the sunshine. Lovely!

  2. What a lovely thing to say, thank you. xx

  3. In the UK you are so much in front of us here in the Midwest. But, that might not be so bad as we are in for a really cold week ahead coming down from the Arctic which would wipe anything out if it were budding.

    1. We're due for a cold snap starting Sunday but the chances of it being really bad are remote and the bulbs will survive anyway.
      I hope it's not too bad for you. xx

  4. The beginning of spring. They made me go out and find some hidden treasures in my garden. x

    1. Lovely - it's very heartening to find those tiny greed spikes of new growth.

  5. The snow forecast for Norfolk Suffolk and Essex seems to be a definite thing -hope it's not another Beast From The East like 3 years ago when next door neighbours removal lorry couldn't get here due to the snow - that was late Feb early March I think.

    1. and I meant to say- happy photos of things emerging.

    2. Yes, it does, sadly. We've been fortunate this winter so far and I do hope the same. It was so cold and my central heating failed when the condensate pipe froze. Brrrrr.
      I like a bit of pretty snow as much as most people, I guess, but not lots and it's a shame it has to be accompanied by cold! :-)

  6. Hello Joy,

    Well, your garden is simply bursting with new life. It is so heartwarming to see the new shoots emerging. Plants are so resilient, they do give hope that the future will be bright.

    Absolutely love hardy geraniums and they do benefit from dividing. You have such a large clump that it could be divided, planted in more than one place in the garden with still some left to share with gardening friends.

    1. That's good to know, thank you. I must look up when the best time for splitting is.

    2. The best time is when you have the time and inclination. Just look after them when you replant and all will be well.

  7. I love to see gardens coming back to life and unfurling new hope for the year.
    Enjoy your garden as it awakens x

    1. Thank you. That's exactly it - new hope. We could do with an extra dollop of hope this year.

  8. It will be nice to watch your garden come back to life. I'd love it if you are able to share some photos.

    1. Oh, I will, believe me. I'm looking forward to seeing your garden plans unfold too.

  9. It's wonderful to see your plants starting to grow!

    1. I think so too - it lifts the spirits, doesn't it? Every year, the strength of feeling surprises me.

  10. How exciting to see those promising shoots. I planted daffodils and tulips up here. I hope they do well. There is still snow on the ground.

    1. If it's the first year of showing, they might not have many flowers, but after that - wow!!

  11. How lovely to be able to see the start of spring. I love spring bulbs but do not have much luck with them.

    God bless.

    1. I neglect mine terribly. They just stay there from year to year and up they come, always faithful! I occasionally split a clump of bulbs - all the bulbs at the front started at the back apart from Eileen's crocuses and I'm trying to get rid of the white bells which, frankly, are an invasive nuisance, but apart from that, they do their own thing.

  12. It's so lovely to see the new buds of life all around the garden. Definitely not boring to me I love to see other peoples garden photos :)

    1. Just wait until the umpteenth update pops up!! I'm terrible once the garden gets going! ;-)

      Seriously - thanks very much. It is lovely to see things coming back to life and I love them too, the more the better!

  13. Ah! Those first green shoots. So promising. X

    1. They are so lovely, I agree. So full of hope.
