Friday 26 February 2021


 Good morning.  I woke to a white world this today- frost, not snow.  It was very attractive in the early sunshine and, although the frost has gone, the sun continues to shine merrily.  It's lovely.

I'm just back from my early morning shop.  It was pretty much fruit and veg plus a few other bits and bobs and I've left it in the kitchen while I write this as it's a bit late - sorry.

Yesterday was busy but very pleasant.  Chris and I had a good old natter and both of us are looking forward to the day when we can meet in my or her garden for our chats.  

Before that, I finished the strimming at the allotment.  it didn't take long and looks so much better.  I'm hoping to get the grass cut tomorrow and then it really will look much more respectable.  After the chat, I had breakfast and then went back down to get on with forking over and weeding.

Getting there!
Not a very clear picture but the cherry plum at the end (the one Jeff lopped back last week) is just starting to flower.  I hope the frost won't do too much damage to the blossom, it is such a pretty picture in the early spring.

The delayed chat with Dad was lovely, as was the Zoom Slimming World meeting.  Then it was a quick dinner before the Thermomix demo which I enjoyed very much.

All through the day I was on 'just in case' pain-killers but I'm not sure they were needed.  Apart from a slightly sore muscle, I've had no side effects whatsoever.  Lucky me!

Today, as mentioned, I have done my early morning shop although, as the mornings get lighter, others have caught on and it's not as empty as it used to be.  Oh, well, it is mostly elderly folks and I guess most of them have had their vaccine.

Later on, I have a Zoom chat with Jackie and then I'm off to the allotment again.  It should be very pleasant in the sunshine.

The 'bulb bed' in the garden is starting to look more colourful.  It won't be long before the hyacinths are out and they always look lovely.

I'd better go and get the shopping put away.  Have a great day and be safe.  xx


  1. The allotment is looking very neat and it's lovely to see so many daffodils, crocus and snowdrops around at the moment isn't it, you can't beat a bit of Spring colour to brighten our days.

    This morning was a beautiful bright start wasn't it, so lovely to have blue sky for a while, I've got my fingers firmly crossed that this March is as gloriously sunny as last years was.

    1. Thank you so much. That means a lot. You should have seen it last year. It was absolutely dire!! :-)
      Yes, it's a gorgeous day. I'm off out to the allotment soon and looking forward to it very much.

  2. I have been in the garden too today. It has been lovely to get out in the sunshine and fresh air. Weeding is not my favourite thing to do but I want to keep on top of them before they become a bigger problem. I have to to do little and often, but it is very satisfying to see a little patch cleared and ready for planting x

    1. I thoroughly dislike weeding, not the lest becau7se I know some of them are pervasive and will come back. Each year it's getting a bit better but I doubt I will ever get rid of the ground elder and the bindweed, horrid things.
      That patch ready for planting and sowing is, as you say, so very satisfying, it's well worth the weeding.

  3. My sister in Devon has had her jab today. She says she feels fine but it is a bit of a worry because she is allergic to so many things, practically even fresh air! Me and my other sisters are holding our breath! keep well Amanda x

    1. Fingers crossed for her - hopefully the reaction won't be too bad for her.

    2. All done and no side effects not even a headache she said :-) A x

  4. Which vaccine did you have?

    The allotment is looking good - you have been working hard. Are you still going ahead with your plans for raised beds or has that been shelved now?

    1. For now, that has been shelved, as has the wheelbarrow plan as it's just too firmly embedded in the soil behind the shed. I will take a look at what's available to buy and see but, for now, that area more or less remains covered. It'll be worth it if it clears those pervasive and hard to get rid of weeds.
      I had the Pfizer vaccine. I would have been happy with either and, of course, had no choice anyway.

  5. The bulbs are looking lovely. In my garden I've noticed some hyacinths beginning to show, which I forgot I'd planted. X
