Saturday 6 February 2021


 Morning!!  I'm just home from an early morning shop at M&S and Aldi and I've learnt something.  DON'T go Saturday morning.  I can't say it was crowded because it wasn't but it was loads busier than a week day early morning.  You live and learn!
While fresh things have to be bought reasonably regularly, I've been trying to stretch things to one or two more day and, inevitably, it will land on a Saturday morning at some point.  I know now, anyway!

It feels raw outside.  Nowhere near freezing (yet) but it is drizzling and very damp.  Having said that, I can see a bit of blue sky so maybe it will clear up for a bit - that would be nice.

There's only one thing I can remember about yesterday and that is that the 'give me my money' form arrived from the Pru, I filled it in and posted it back straight away.  There will be another wait now, I guess.  Funny how they are always quicker at taking your money than giving it back again.  lol

Today, the first thing I need to do is sort out all the shopping and get it all wiped and put away.  I treated myself to a half leg of lamb for tomorrow.  So extravagant but I dearly love slow roast lamb and hardly ever have it.  In earlier days, whenever I went to Mum and Dad's, Mum made sure on of the dinners was roast lamb.  She said it was worth it for three.  :-).   No complaints from either Dad or me.

After that, I must start the washing - I have a good couple of loads plus bedding and ignoring it won't make it go away, sadly.  Then I want to sort out the week's meals.  I already have a fair idea because I think about it before shopping, so it won't take too long.

After that it is a day of idleness, waiting for the chill from the East (hopefully, not a beast) to arrive and ice everything up.  Weekdays and weekends all merge in together nowadays and I won't be seeing Beth this weekend; we're still keeping apart because of Alex coming home.  He is fine though, no signs of having picked up any nasties on the journey, thankfully.

Well, I've warmed up a bit now so I'd better get started on the shopping.  Clear out the old veg and use it up, put in the new, and so on . . .
Have a great day, whatever you have planned, stay warm, safe and well and most of all, be happy.  xx

(the blue sky has disappeared - ah, well)


  1. Hope we are not snowed in for too many days (if there's as much snow and wind as they forecast)
    Stay warm and have a good weekend

    1. Fingers crossed. We might not get as much as you anyway, being further west.

  2. The days do all merge in together so I am making a real effort to get the weekends to stand out as being different.

    It's much colder here today but so far is dry, so I was able to get out for a walk. We're promised snow tonight so I hope they've got that wrong!

    Hope you get to catch up with Beth and Alex soon. The good news is that he's showing no signs of infection, which you must all be relied about. xx

    1. Yes, we are. It was a risk but there was no alternative to coming home on the train. Mind you, his carriage was empty.

  3. I hope your weather does not get too frosty.

    God bless.

    1. Me too, thanks. It's been dropping steadily through the day and it feels chilly now. xx

  4. Snow hasn't materialised here in fact the forecast has completely changed to rain, rain and more rain. In some ways I prefer the snow.

    1. It's still saying snow here (at nearly 21:00). What will come, will come, but I do hope it's a little bit white tomorrow morning.

  5. Lamb is my absolute favourite meat. We wonder why it's so expensive when the fields are always full of sheep.

    1. I think it is because (and correct me if I am wrong) sheep cannot be reared intensively as other animals can. As you say, the fields are always full of them - in some areas. That's why they don't advertise 'free range' lamb - all lamb is free range and the animals live as free a life as possible.
      I'm very happy to be corrected if I'm wrong though.

      It's my favourite too and I'm so looking forward to dinner. :-)

  6. What a lovely photo of snowdrops in you header, Joy! I must change mine ASAP as it still shows last summer's rose!

    1. Yes, but it is such a beautiful photo, Chris. I always love seeing it.

  7. Grey and damp here. The wind is making it feel so cold. X
