Wednesday 19 September 2018


Morning, everyone.  I hope you've all slept well!

Just a quick one today as I overslept a bit and want to go swimming soon.  Yesterday was great, the dinner with Alex went really well and all that was left was some of the chicken and a bit of cranberry sauce, portions of which will make a great topping for my jacket potato this evening!

Beth and I went to the allotment in the evening and, although things are slowing down a little, came back with a few bags of goodness which I will deal with today.  She and Al harvested on Sunday so it was good.  There are not many pears left now, just a few, and the corn is just about over.  We may clear the latter on Saturday or Sunday and then we can cover one strip of ground in preparation for keeping the winter weeds down.  We ought to plant wintering veg really but we don't right now - maybe that's for the future although we do plan to try some aquadulce broad beans this year/next year and there is the asparagus, of course.

Today, Matt the plumber is coming to sort out my condensate pipe and then to talk over the plans he has made for my new bathroom.  Exciting or what!

I have a new student coming later on and that's it really as far as scheduled stuff is concerned.  However, I didn't properly sort out the kitchen yesterday so that is top of the housework list for today and also the chicken carcass his been simmering gently away in the slow cooker and needs dealing with today.  Lots of lovely, delicious stock for soups and gravy.

Better stop - time is flying past.  Have a great day!


  1. A new bathroom sounds exciting - we had our old one revamped a couple of years ago and the avocado suite removed - so much better with plain white. Our shower room is next on the list - not looking forward to it - such messy jobs - or we may have to do the kitchen first as some of the old white goods are on their last legs.

  2. I love my bath. It's a corner bath but the room is so small and the bath takes up more than half the space, so not ideal. Also it is grey which, again, I love, but it's not necessarily a 'selling point'. And it's all rather shabby now. Time to sort it out.
