Saturday 8 September 2018


Good morning, everyone!   It's still more or less dark out there but it looks cloudy although very little rain is forecast and that not until much later.  Yesterday was cool but gorgeous though, a perfect autumnal day.

I had a splendid time around and about town, even though I was a bit bewildered at times.  The in colour seems to be browny orangey yellowy mustardy sort of shades and they are the colours I simply cannot wear.  They turn me a sort of jaundiced beige colour all over which is not flattering in the least.

I now know there's an awful lot of stuff I would never, ever want to waste my money on!  I know that the lovely coat I saw in John Lewis would cost me the best part of a thousand (!), I know that I like M&S stuff better than Debenhams stuff and I know that in a while I will be going back into town with a wodge of cash, not necessarily to get a coat though because I have decided I'd really like a duffle coat.  I love duffles.

I treated myself to a very nice coffee in Debenhams (couldn't find a Costa although I bet there is one) and as I walked out of John Lewis, in walked a dear friend who was my colleague for many years, who covered my class during my SENco coordinator time and who left in the summer for a two year sabbatical.  She looked very well and if we hadn't been heading in the opposite directions, I'd have suggested coffee.  We've agreed to meet up soon.

I now know that Dior has brought out a new perfume, appropriately named 'Joy'.  I reeked of it for the rest of the day (can't turn down free sprays, after all) and, costly as it is, I reckon I will treat myself to some when I reach my first interim target as a (big) reward.

I know that my wonky ankles are definitely getting stronger - they only started really hurting as I was heading for the bus home.  And I know that getting the number 56 is better than getting the number 54 bus which goes all round the houses!

All in all, a very positive time.

Today I intend to have an early morning swim and be finished before the aqua class starts.  There will then be washing, drying and ironing and maybe I will do a bit in my garden!  Maybe.


  1. Sounds like you had a productive and interesting day out, Joy. And how exciting to find a new perfume named after you - yes you must definitely get it!

    I used to have a bright red duffle, I loved it, hope you get one you like. A word of caution, though - don't wear it in the rain, you'll end up wearing a very heavy, soggy, thing that smells like an old wet dog!

  2. LOL - good point. Looks like I will need one of those stuffed and padded things too. Fortunately there are loads of them around and they are not necessarily dreadfully expensive either.

  3. Wearing a duffle coat for school when I was about 11 put me off for life!

  4. I’ve just popped over from Sue in Suffolk’s blog to have a look at yours. I read my blog roll every morning in bed with my early morning tea and it’s like having a whole lot of new friends around the world. I know what you mean about the new autumnal colours. They can be difficult to wear with the wrong skin tone. A new winter coat is quite an investment but £1000! You would have to be very sure you would get a lot of wear from it.
    Lovely to treat yourself to a few new things though for the new season. Enjoy!

  5. £1000 for a coat!!! Blimey!

    Autumn colours don't suit me either but I never follow trends/fashion any way. I'm also out of perfume at the moment but there are other things I need first before splashing out.

    Enjoy your swim!

  6. I've always loved duffle coats, Sue, and would have been delighted if the school uniform had included one. Now I'm going to get one. Yay!

    Hi, Catherine, thanks for popping in and leaving a comment. I doubt I would ever spend that much money on a coat, however nice (unless I was invited to tea with Her Majesty, maybe).

    Ali - that's more or less what I said too although maybe a tad less polite!
    It was a lovely swim, thanks. I love the relaxed feeling afterwards.


  7. How does anyone spend £1000 on a coat - are they crazy? I think a duffle coat will be just perfect ... and warm!

  8. I expect a lot of wealthy people do but it's not my league!

  9. If you have a Sparks card Joy, there is £10 off coats for a few days. I sadly have become symbiotically attached to my M and S duvet type coat from about October to April here in Scotland! Happy shopping.

  10. I'm afraid I don't but someone else might read this who does. Thanks very much.

  11. What a nice positive post (apart from the brown/orange/mustard shades being popular - not my colours either. How very seventies).
    I also like M&S better than Debenhams. In fact, Debenhams never seems to quite have what I want and if it does, it doesn't fit well. I like the Wallis concession but apart from that I don't bother. John Lewis is a different matter altogether - I like LOTs of the concessions in there though I'd baulk at £1,000 for a coat too ... even if I could afford it.

  12. Yes, it IS very seventies, isn't it. I hadn't thought of that until you7 mentioned it.
    Maybe Debenhams has gone off-beam a bit. I remember it as being very good but maybe that was when I wasn't actually able to buy anything. You look at things with a different eye when your handing money over for them, I have found.
    John Lewis was nice, I agree. I must take some more time to look around there although, quite apart from the coat, things were generally rather pricey. I bet I will end up in Tu at Sainsbury's!!!
