Tuesday 25 September 2018


Good morning, everyone.  How are you all? 
It's a lovely clear early morning here so, of course, it's jolly chilly.  I nipped out to get something from the freezer and nipped back in again quickly.  No hanging around to count the tomatoes today!

After a good swim, I got stuck into the planning.  There's a bit more to do but it's not too bad.  I also did two loads of washing out on the line which didn't get bone dry but fine for ironing/airing.  I did the ironing in the evening so that's all done and out of the way.

I've finally finished the DS9 box set (sad, sweet ending) and started the last set Dave gave me - Voyager.  I never saw the first few episodes when it was on originally so missed how they got there in the first place - now I know!

And finally, I started my list of Things To Take.  It'll be refined down, of course (I hope).

Today is a packed day.  I'm taking the bus into town this morning for hearing and sight tests.  The sight test is the usual regular one and the hearing test is because I know I need new hearing aids.  That will be more than a bit money-ouch but needs must!

Once home, it won't be long before tuition so really is all go today!  Better get moving!


  1. It’s freezing here. I love the change of season ... misty mornings, autumn leaves, the quality of the light at this time of year ... but I can do without the drop in temperature. I don’t ‘do’ cold very well!

    I hope your holiday packing goes according to plan. I always thing the planning stage is almost as much fun as the holiday itself.

  2. Same here - and it is jolly cold this morning. There was a hint of frost on the roofs and I'm glad I bought my winter woollies as I'm now wearing them!

  3. I haven't heard you mention going into school this year or have I just not been paying attention.
    Are you still going in weekly? Sue

  4. To my shame, I haven't got that 'round tuit' that people speak of. I am going to as soon as I can get it all set up with the teachers concerned.

  5. Warm and sunny this morning but has change to night to drizzle and quite a cool wind by the sea. Our planning and packing to go to Italy earlier this year was like a military operation as we had to include the wedding clothes as well. I had to go on You Tube to find out the best way to pack a suit! Not something we would normally take on holiday with us! x

  6. It's still lovely and clear here and definitely a lot colder.
    That must have taken a whole lot of organising. I have no idea how to pack a suit!!!
