Wednesday 9 May 2018


Good morning, everyone.  Yet another warm and sunny day although it got a bit black and humid at one point without turning into anything before the sun came back.  I'm loving this great weather - sitting out for my meals is delightful.

On the spur of the moment I went into town yesterday.  Remember I bought some new bras around the New Year.  Well - they are now getting too big so I went in to M&S and bought a couple of new bras.  Ditto for pyjamas - Beth now has my 'old' ones (which really weren't that old), definitely the flip side to losing the weight.

And then I went into Lakeland.  Oh, dear.  They had in the new electric yogurt makers.  Yes, I already have a yogurt maker but the new one is much better and it cost little more than I paid for the old one so guess what!!!
I look upon it as a reward for being a Good Girl (or whatever)!

When I got home, I popped the new clothes into a super speedy wash (15 mins) before pegging them out and setting off for Aqua.  It was really good and there was plenty of time to get dried, dressed, hair done and home before tuition - in fact there was time to spare, so maybe it will be a part of my regular routine after all.

I was shattered in the evening so Beth and I sat and stitched.  I finished Darcy, the knitted doll for a special little lady, while her clothes now have all their buttons.  Just as well because she's being handed over tomorrow.  Here she is, with her suitcase of clothes.

Today, as I didn't go allotmenteering yesterday, I MUST go and water everything first thing.  Then I need to do a shop and then I have plenty of cooking because there's a family meal round mine tomorrow evening.
That, with tuition, will keep me going all day really!

Time to start the bread dough!  Good old Thermomix!


  1. Busy day Joy. Must be so uplifting to be able to buy clothes in smaller sizes...hasn't happened for me yet. But then I haven't needed to buy any clothes as yet, as I do have quite a lot that were previously too tight to wear, some of which now fit comfortably.

  2. I've been huge for so long that I didn't have much, just things I had bought in hope really. It is nice, very, very satisfying.
    J x

  3. Are you still actively continuing with the weight loss or has it slowed down now you're not following such a strict food regime? Congratulations anyway. How much have you lost so far, or aren't we allowed to know?

  4. I'm definitely continuing but the regime has relaxed a bit and I have started exercising (swimming) regularly. I expect that the swimming will slow the weight loss for a while as muscle replaced fat, but then it should speed up again.
    Really the only changes are that I'm not limiting meals to specific food groups any more and I'm having many more vegetables (in amount if not variety) and a bit more fruit. The rest is quite similar.
    I've lost four stones so far. :-) And thank you.
    J x

  5. busy day but so much better than boring!!!!

  6. That is so very true. Boring means I eat more! :-)
    J x

  7. I had a delivery from Lakeland at the weekend. I try to avoid going into the store if at all possible. Too many temptations! X

  8. It truly is one of the most tempting shops I know of, isn't it. I could have easily bought loads more.
    J x

  9. Wow wonderful doll and clothes! Someone is going to be really lucky.

  10. Thanks, Sharon. She is rather cute though I say it myself. I hope the little girl likes her.
    J x
