Friday 15 December 2017


Good morning to you all.  Another Friday starts: they do seem to come round in every decreasing circles at the moment, don't they?  It's another chilly morning but it's been raining and there's no frost.  Yesterday was beautifully sunny which made inside feel a lot warmer as the sun shone through the two big windows (must find time to clean those two windows!)

Yesterday morning I felt energetic, so I moved all the furniture around to my usual Christmas arrangement and now there's a gap where the tree will go.  Things were taken upstairs, put away, generally re-organised and, while there's still stuff to do, I'm not far off being 'there' as far as Christmas is concerned.  This year I have no-one staying over and that's made a big difference.

I pootled off for the hospital appointment and can understand why people choose to go private.  The local private hospital has an NHS 'unit' and it's nearest to me as well.  Very convenient.
Everything was very calm, non-clinical, 'soft' (if that makes sense) and it all felt unrushed.  Despite that, I was seen bang on time and after the appointment, I was sent down to the ultrasound dept where the polite receptionist booked me in for a scan in the second week in January, apologising for the delay as she did so.
All very civilised!

The doctor is sure it is gallstones and the scan is to confirm this (or not).  His very gentle poking and prodding started off a few twinges (nothing too bad) so - well, we will see.  I will be told the options at the follow up appointment after the scan.
So that's that for now!

On the plus side, with the very low fat diet, the weight is dropping off at a fair old rate of knots so I really can't complain.

Once home, it was tuition - for those two it was the last of the year as next Thursday the school holidays will have started.  I have three more sessions next week and then no more until January.

Then I got out the ironing board and the stack of ironing and ploughed my way through until it was all done.  Got to love an empty basket!

Today is a usual Friday - there's very little in the diary so I can focus on home.  The biggie is that Alex will be home either this evening or tomorrow.  He has survived his first term on university with some blips at the beginning and, I think, has enjoyed the experience.  He had planned to come home once a fortnight but  this reduced to just once in the whole term so it must have gone OK really.
It will be lovely to see him again.

It's time to stop rambling on and to get into that kitchen and get it sorted.  The cleaners come today and I want to make it as easy as possible for them to actually clean rather than move my junk around.

Have a lovely day!


  1. Hello. I just popped across (blog hopping) from Sue in Suffolk's blog (The Cottage at the End of the Lane) and then clicked on your recipe link. Ooops - someone has attached a sex/pornographic site to it which comes up on overlaying your recipe blog. I don't know how you remove it, but thought you ought to know. Jennie at Codlins&Cream2.

  2. Thanks for your updates especially on Alex. I'm sure that, as you say he's settled down to the pattern of university life.
    I always found that if I didn't hear from them too often my boys were fine . It was in the days of long queues at telephone boxes. However I used to check just to make sure they weren't hibernating!
    I'm glad you have a tentative diagnosis. Nothing more that you can do as you sound as though your careful diet is working and reducing the incidents of pain. The weight loss is a positive side effect by the sounds of it.
    Enjoy Christmas but watch the roasties! Sue

  3. Just a thought. Is Alex a computer wizz?
    Maybe he can get rid of the distasteful site that has attached itself to yours.

  4. So no sitting for 6 hours in outpatients then only to be given an Xray form. Is it any wonder our hospital got put into special measures? I'm glad that things are going well with the diet and you are at least reaping some benefits. If it is any consolation a huge number of people have gallstones but they cause them no problems. You have just been unlucky, however, they are easy enough to get rid of surgically. I know that they blast kidney stones with ultrasound but haven't heard if it is possible with gallstones which of course would be non-invasive.

  5. Happy to hear that you have a diagnosis. My sister had gallstones some years ago and opted for surgery but I can't remember what the other options were. I do remember that she recovered very quickly. The weight loss is a plus isn't it. Will you stay on a low fat diet to continue losing weight once the medical issue is sorted?

    Thank you for your kind comments on my blog.

  6. I'm really sorry about the link, it is a right nuisance and Google/Blogger don't seem the least bit interested. It's not consistent, sometimes it goes for ages without misbehaving.

    Al isn't really a PC buff but I've thought of someone who is who might be able to help when he has time.

    In the meanwhile, if you just close it down, this blog should be behind it and it only does it once to you each time. Not that that's much consolation, I know. Thanks, Jennie and Sue. Not a brilliant welcome to you, I know, Jennie, but it's good to see you here.

    Sue, I will make SW roasties. Minimal fat used and IO can have one of those without repercussions!

    Diane, yes, it was such a good experience. I'd warned my 'tutee's' mum that I might be late but as it was I was home well over an hour before they were due. It's an NHS clinic so if they can do it there . . .
    Thanks for the info. Time will tell. :-)
    J x

  7. Hi, Eileen.
    Thanks for the encouraging words from you too. Yes, I think I probably will, for a while anyway. See how it goes.
    J x

  8. Is there any chance of you posting in a little of what you can eat on your low fat diet? maybe just a what I eat everyday type of thing. My weight is shocking at the moment, and we havent even hit Christmas yet!!! (sigh) I had my gall bladder out many many years ago and it was the best thing for me after suffering for years with all sorts of awful symptoms. Back then there were no other options other than having it taken out so am curious to see what they might be doing now.

  9. I have another blog - well, two others actually but on is sadly neglected at the moment. I'll post about it in today's entry in case you don't see this.
    J x
