Sunday 3 December 2017


Morning, everyone.  It's slowly warming up round here for a few days now, although I gather it won't last for long.  I like the cold when it is accompanied by sun and frost, less so when it is dull and damp and yesterday was dull and damp.

Also it was cold enough to get the freezer defrosted without needing to cover what came out.  It didn't take long and everything was back in and down to -18 again very quickly.  I really must do mine again soon - maybe towards the end of the week when it is due to get chilly again.  I can make some more lists of what I have at the same time because, frankly, right now, I don't have much of a clue, it's all jumbled and disorganised in there.  I'm wondering about looking out for some wire freezer trays as well, to help with the organisation.

Apart from that it was an indoors and stay warm sort of day.  I cooked, I washed stuff, I emptied the ironing basket again.  One of those exciting days (not!).

Now it is time for coffee and I must wash my hair.  I put it off yesterday and I wish I hadn't.
Better get going then.  Have a good day, everyone!


  1. Enjoy your day Joy. It's cold but still here today so we're off for a walk, then baking cookies and decorating our Christmas tree! I'm just a bit excited. Coffee first. X

  2. How lovely. Have a fantastic time. :-)
    J x

  3. Your post has reminded me that our freezer (part of the fridge/freezer, not my new freezer in the garage about which I've posted in recent weeks) needs defrosting, but it's a job that gets put off as it's not essential in the same way that cleaning the shower room or making meals are essential. But it will be done soon. Husband will do it, ha ha!
    I have many jobs which need tackling but nothing which can't be left if I'm feeling under the weather, which I am with a bad cough, so it's the sofa now, with a h.w.b., cup of hot chocolate and the Sunday paper. I won't say which one but it's the last broadsheet.
    Keep warm,
    Margaret P

  4. Really sorry you're poorly and I hope you feel better soon.
    J x

  5. Thank you, Joy. It's Monday as I'm writing this and feeling much better.
    Margaret P
