Thursday 14 December 2017


Good morning, everyone.  It's Thursday - where has the week gone? - and an important day as today I have my follow up appointment after my medical issues at the beginning of November.  Thankfully, although it feels very cold out, all the snow seems to have vanished and the forecast is quite good.  We might even see some sun - that would be cheering.

Yesterday morning I popped off to Sainsbury's as there's a few things I like to get there.  I don't know what it is about Christmas shopping but I could feel that 'force' beginning to work - get this, get that, you might need it, you don't want to go short, people might want some . . . do you know what I mean?  Given that this year my whole responsibility is one meal, I was able to combat it quite successfully but even so, how ridiculous!

I was going into town this morning but I don't think I will, I'll defer it until next week; there's so much to do here.  I always go early so there's plenty of parking and by the time the crowds build up, I've finished.

I need to get everything done this morning because the afternoon is busy what with tuition and the appointment.  Wish me luck for that;  I'm quite nervous as to what 'they' will do/say.
In the meanwhile, it is just as well I woke early because I can get going with my work and get loads done.
Where's the coffee?


  1. I hope all goes well with your appointment Joy. Try not to be too nervous.
    I know what you mean about shopping for Christmas. If you have anyone visiting over the Christmas period,there is always a tendency to get things in 'just in case'. X

  2. It's quite disorientating, isn't it? All the colour, sparkle and distraction! It's lovely but makes life complicated.
    J x

  3. All the best with your appointment, I am sure the people will all be lovely and you will be fine.
    Sounds like a busy day for you - I know what you mean about Christmas, it is such a lovely time, but there is so much going on.
    So colourful here - when it is dark you can see all the lights in the windows and on the trees, beautiful.
    Take great care! S. XxxxxX

  4. I hope you get good news with your follow up appointment. I did the bulk of my food shopping online to avoid the temptations. I'll just pop into town early on Christmas Eve to get the fresh bread, milk and vegetables. It's only me so I won't go overboard on the shopping.
