Friday 24 March 2017


Good morning, everyone.  Hope you are all well and happy.

Yesterday turned out pleasant after a dull, wet start.  So pleasant that I hung the washing out and when I got home from school it was dry and ready to bring in.

Yesterday was yet another pleasant day.  After some work at home, I did my bit at school and on the way out, bumped into an ex colleague who asked would I like to go and hear some year sixes singing as they were doing rather well.  Of course, I said yes, and when I walked into the classroom, they all cheered.  Wasn't that lovely?

Tuition went well again.  I won't be doing any next week as there's a school show and also I have commitments that would make it difficult, time-wise.  Then it is Easter!  Although they have been tired this week, I have noticed that all my students are coping better with  after school work towards the end of a busy term.  Good for them!

I got going early this morning.  I've made bread (which is now rising happily in the kitchen) and I'm about to make some lemon curd.  So I'd better get started . . .

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