Sunday 26 March 2017


Good morning, everyone.  Did you remember to put your clocks back last night?  We did here, although there's always something that catches one out, isn't there?

Yesterday, Mum and I went for a stroll around the local garden centre.  It is a beautifully organised place with pathways meandering around and various stopping points including bridges over a stream, a cascading set of ponds and a very sunny spot for garden furniture.  The purpose of going was for Mum to choose a plant for Mothering Sunday (which she did), but it's always good for a gentle walk around, without any specific reason.  I think I have found the garden furniture and planters I want too.  The company is called AFK and I love the style of their painted things.  I have ordered three planters in different colours (the three on the back row of the photo) because I think I want to get one of their 'abours' but am not sure of the colour.

I particularly liked the sage green but am not sure it would go with the green of my fence.  It doesn't matter with a planter but it would with a gazebo.  The blue is nice but no and the grey would be too dark.

If the green one goes, this would be what I would go for (the two planters are extra).  I like it because it is unfussy and uncluttered, it's comfortable (Mum and I spent a good 20 - 30 minutes sitting in one and chatting) and the simple lines won't be too much in my small garden.

It comes flat packed, as do the planters, so I would be calling on Beth for help to put it together.

After dragging ourselves away from the garden centre, we stopped off at the health food shop on the way home to get various bits and bobs for Dad and I grabbed another pack of the dried yeast I like to use which comes in a rectangular bag rather in sachets which I refuse to buy because they are way too expensive!

Late afternoon and evening was taken up with a trip to the opera.
No, not as posh as it sounds.  It was one of those live link showings that are a great way of making opera more accessible.
We went to see Idomineo.  The music, being Mozart, was glorious, of course, although operas are not my favourite genre of music and I don't really go for the operatic voice too much.  The story line, as with many operas, was just plain silly, and there were an awful lot of 'Oh, poor little me' type arias and some terribly ham acting, complete with Principle 'Boy' who was totally unconvincing as a heroic young prince who had two women head over heels in love with him, poor lady!
On the other hand, Idomineo himself and the baddy 'evil queen' were both gloriously effective!

And it didn't half go on!  Well over five hours of it (with intervals).  Thank goodness the seats were comfortable.

It was a good experience though and I will be going to another live link showing soon, this time Madama Butterfly by the Royal Opera which, hopefully, will be shorter.

I don't have any particular plan for today, just a nice, gentle, calm day with plenty of sunshine (fingers crossed).  I hope we all have a good one!

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