Saturday 18 March 2017


Hello again!  There's been a bit of a change since yesterday.  It's now quite chilly, dull and with a bit of a breeze.  Interestingly, I have checked BBC weather and it's not cold - it just feels cold!  It looks as if rain is on its way but not according to the BBC - we will see, won't we?

To balance that, Spring has well and truly started to sprung and things are growing madly in my tiny patches of soil.  I've just been out to take a few photos (brrrr).

This is in the garden opposite but look at that fresh green!

The hyacinths are sending out a lovely aroma.  Such a shame it's not the weather to sit out and wallow in it.

The Japanese anemone is growing strongly.  It was a picture last year and  is sending out babies in all directions.  I shall have to be ruthless, I can see, but maybe I will replant one baby round the front where there's a bare patch.

The aquilegia always brings a splash of early colour.

I need to clear the dead leaves from the strawberry patch and then give it all a good feed.

Here's the front - the nice bit.  Just in front of this is where I will plant the anemone, I think, and I have some bulbs in pots to put there too.  MUST get round to it.

Also, in the next few weeks, it will be time to plant some seeds inside, for bringing on before planting out.  Runner beans and tomatoes, especially those Italian ones I salvaged from some tomatoes a friend gave me.  I'm going to grow tomatoes up against the fence again but I need to get some much larger pots for them.  I guess a trip to the garden centre is in order soon.

Enough garden rambling.
Yesterday was such a restful day: I stayed in all day apart from some time in the garden and when I went to put the chain on the front door last night, it was still on from the night before.  

Today is more homey stuff really.  Cleaning, tidying, creating, watching rubbish telly . . .
And very nice too.

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