Tuesday 27 September 2016


Good morning, gentle readers.  It's dark out there and it feels cool.  Not dressing gown and slippers cool, just slightly less than comfortable.  Yesterday evening the heating clicked on.  Autumn is definitely here now.

I worked hard in school yesterday and by the time I had to go I had sorted out the resources and produced an audit sheet.  Good feeling.  It felt odd, however, to be sitting with the staff eating my beans on toast - sort of half in the past and half not belonging any more.  Nice but odd.

That was about it for the day really.  These things take time and you can see how difficult it is for a class teacher to find the time to get things like this done on top of your normal full day's work.  It took me all day.  I shall be doing the history cupboard in a few weeks as well, history and geography being my 'responsibilities'.

Today is a more gentle day.  Into Foundation Stage this morning to finish off the reading books and then I want to do some shopping - I have mincemeat to make and don't have all the ingredients.  Also I gather I shall be given a bag of crab apples this morning and I need to sort out my jelly bag so I can make crab apple jelly.

Today's food:
B:  natural yogurt, blueberries and granola, apple
L:  beans on toast, orange  I might spice up the beans with some grated chorizo
D:  tomato, veg and tuna pasta, yogurt and pineapple

Have a good day!

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