Sunday 4 September 2016


End of the week or beginning of the week, depending on how you see it, Sunday is like January, looking both ways, back and forward.  A bit like blogs like mine all the time, I suppose.

It's stupid o'clock, too dark to see what it's going to be like, but BBC weather says no rain and 20 top temp.  Yesterday ended up wet, windy and wild.  Great for the garden, not so great for those enjoying a last fling before the start of the new term because it really did pour at times.  I was sorry for people caught out in it.

Yesterday I did most of what I planned.  I decided to leave the washing until today after the rain started but I have six and a half pots of scrummy plum jam to give away or eat myself.  My route tomorrow is planned and I have a list of places I want to visit, far too many to fit in but it is nice to have a choice, isn't it?  I did the last moggy feed and I started getting out all those creature comfort things you want to take with you to a B&B, including the wherewithal to use all the technology - phone, laptop, camera, kindle and so on plus associated cables, chargers, etc.

Today will start with a bread making session.  No, not for me, but it is back to school so I will be making again for my customer.  I can drop it off before I set out in the morning as I really don't want to drive on the A12 in the rush hour.

Then I need to pick tomatoes.  They can sit on the kitchen window ledge and I am sure my house sitter will enjoy them

I have washing, drying and ironing to do, sorting out the fridge and generally getting everything tidied up and ready.

Food today will be mostly leftovers and bits and bobs to use up.
B:  puffed wheat with stewed plums, apple
L:  a sort of mixed grill - 1 rasher of bacon, tomatoes, mushrooms, maybe a slice of black pudding if I can find it in the freezer, melon and strawberries
D:  burger, sweet potato fries, salad, melon and strawberries


  1. That is a stunning photo at the top of your page

  2. Thank you. I want out of the front door yesterday to feed Beth's cats, glanced left and dashed back in for the camera. Not bad for a zoom shot, is it?
    J x

  3. You just reminded me I've a load of cherry toms to pick in the morning! My hanging basket looks so pretty with its red jewels
    Have a lovely holiday xx

  4. Thanks. Enjoy your tomatoes!
    J x
