Friday 4 December 2015


I felt sparkly this morning!

Good morning, gentle readers.  It was chucking it down yesterday evening but the stars are shining now, the temperature has dropped and the ground is more or less dry.  Maybe it will be a pleasant day, weather-wise.

Another funny old day yesterday.  I zoomed into school to help with the Christmas fair only to find nobody there.  Well, when I say 'nobody' of course there were lots of people - staff and children - but no-one doing Christmas fair stuff, so I zoomed into town to get some change for our craft stall at the fair tonight and then meandered around a little bit.  I went into Lakeland but, for once, they didn't have what I wanted which is unusual.  What they did have was some containers just the right size for my plain and SR flour on special offer so I got a couple.  For ages now my flours have been stored in two cardboard containers that some flour originally came in and they were getting rather fragile.  I had this feeling one day I would pick up the box and the bottom would fall out.  Not any more!

I then looked in the pound shop and got some Christmas cards for the two classes I work with on Tuesdays.  Now all I have to do is write 'love from Mrs Clark' in sixty cards and stick sixty candy canes on sixty envelopes!  On the list for this weekend, I think.

When I got home I crashed.  Never mind, I kept going a lot longer than the day before and things are on the up.  I had a good sleep and then pottered about doing not-a-lot, feeling thankful that I could!

Today is chokka full of things ranging from hair day through to having a stall at the Christmas Fair with all sorts of other bits and pieces.  I shall start in soon and get going and fingers crossed the energy stays around.

I've made another entry in my recipe blog.  Mincemeat scrolls which used up some spare mincemeat that I had hanging around.  They're very delicious and my invention (though hardly original - recipes rarely are nowadays) so please do pop over and take a look.

Have a great day.


  1. I love all your Chistmasy decorative bits

  2. :-) Well, as it is December now and everyone seems to count down, I though I would do my bit!
    J x

  3. I just do a class card to them all and buy chocolates!
