Tuesday 1 December 2015


Time for the advent candles!
Good morning, gentle readers!

Well, I am going into school this morning but I can't say I really feel up to it although I'm feeling rather better after a good night's sleep.  You know how it goes when you have a disgusting cold and it is first thing in the morning.  Yes - that, but it is temporary!

In the end I didn't go to help with the fair preparations.  What a wimp I am.  It just got worse as the day went on and I spent most of the day resting.  Very frustrating after feeling so much better at the start of the day.  Never mind, today is another day so fingers crossed!

It is school but the first part of the day is a show rehearsal to which I need to go with the class I take.  Then it is Foundation Stage and, while I will be concerned at my loss of voice, I will always have a TA there to help.  Could be a whole lot worse.

Food today:
Breakfast:  toast and tasty stuff on top
Lunch:  sweetcorn chowder, turkey sarnie, fruit
Dinner:  what I planned yesterday and didn't have!


  1. There's nothing wimpy about resting and recuperating instead of pushing yourself and getting sicker again!
    Enjoy your day, feel better and keep on looking after yourself

  2. Thatks, Chrissie. I hope you're feeling better too.
    J x
