Wednesday 9 December 2015


Good morning, gentle readers.  It felt jolly cold this morning when I opened the landing window to 'feel the air'.  No frost as far as I could tell but a fair bit colder than previous mornings.  It's not raining thought, thank goodness.

I felt so sorry for the children yesterday lunchtime.  They were all out playing and some had taken off their coats while some had - er - 'forgotten' to put them on and some didn't even have a cardigan or jumper on!
Anyway, the heavens opened.  There was no warning, no warning drizzle, the rain came down like a waterfall.  In the time it took for the children to get from playground to classroom door, those without coats and jumpers were absolutely soaked through.
Of course, I had to do the teacher thing and point out the moral.  After all, they do know they are expected to put on their coats at this time of year.  I did my duty but I did sympathise in my heart.

The biggie yesterday was the second performance of the Infant show, The Bossy King.  It was brilliant.  I enjoyed it so very much.  Well done to them all, children and staff.
(It still felt really strange not being involved though!)

Today is, I think, a day at home and I have Plans.  There's a lot of pre-Christmas stuff building up so I have bin bags and a determination!  After all, there's really now long to go now, is there.  Not long at all!
Fingers crossed that I get loads done.  I'm feeling so much better that the energy is back and I am ready to go.  Vroom.

But first - coffee (of course)!


  1. Awww I love the bossy King. Our ks1 ( when we get back to school ) is doing The Hoity Toity Angel this year! I'm doing sorting too with this bonus day!

  2. I don't know that one but we have done Oops a Daisy Angel and it was really lovely.
    J x
