Saturday 5 December 2015


As I love owls I thought this rather cute!

Good morning all and welcome to the weekend.

Yesterday was busy but very satisfying and by the end I was tired but hadn't crashed.  Can't complain about that.

As it was cleaner day, I did a pretty good tidy up of the relevant parts of the house with special focus on the kitchen.  Then I relaxed while I had my hair done (and it feels so much better now) following which we got things ready for the school fair.  When we got to school it was get stuck in time so we set up our table (and it did look nice) after which I went around helping others out.

We were so pleased with how out table went.  I won't say how much we made, obviously but it was enough to send us both home smiling!  It was fun counting out the cash, taking out the expenses and realising that we actually did pretty well.  I won't need to go to the cash machine for a while!  We were rather down after the previous craft fair but this one has encouraged us very much indeed.  A very good end to the day.

We still have stock - we have to update our Facebook page now but if you're interested, here's the link.

I slept well!  I woke too early with an ouchy throat and a gungy cough (sorry) but shall be going back to bed again soon.  Must remember I can have a lie in if I want . . .

This morning I shall be making bread and doing general Saturday stuff.  I think I want to make more scrolls, perhaps making my own filling this time as I have no more mincemeat.  Also I will look around for some different bread recipes - a spiced loaf might be good for Christmas and should freeze well.  Also there's the ever present washing and ironing which has mounted up rather this week.
I can't get out of the habit of thinking of Saturday as a 'do it all' day!

Well, good question.  Let's think . . .
B:  Porridge as I have milk to use up, and fruit
L:  Soup and very fresh, crusty bread.  Maybe some custard (for the milk) for afters
D:  Steak, fries and some kind of veg.  Maybe . . .

I'm off to bed now before I fall asleep over the keyboard.  See you later!


  1. Hope you manage to get a little sleep I know just how you feel with the rotten cold that seems so unwilling to leave.

  2. I did, thanks. I had a good snooze. Although I woke with a headache, I think it is sinus related, not the extra sleep and I'm going to dose myself up!
    J x

  3. Hello! I'm just catching up on my blog world and I'm glad you did well in selling your wares! I hope you start to feel better soon x I've got the hatches battened. It's 3.21pm and already dark!

  4. Hiya! There's been some very nasty weather around and I hope you and yours are OK.
    J x
