Sunday 27 August 2023

Sunday, 27-08-23

Morning, one and all.  It's sunny again and fingers crossed it stays around a bit longer than it did yesterday although, you know, good for the garden, etc.

I didn't get those sheets sorted yesterday but today I must do, rain or not.  I've decided that my mattress is not terribly helpful at the moment and, as I have two excellent mattresses on the beds in the guest room, I am going to swap one of them them and then look for a replacement.  I'll be very slow and very careful, I promise, and if I only get half done, there's the other bed in the guest room I can sleep on so no worries.  But it needs doing and that's for sure.

Then I can wash those sheets!

Apart from that, I did very little yesterday.  The meal out didn't come off so that's on the cards for another time.

Today, apart from the mattress shifting which will take ages, I expect, is another gentle day with nothing in that diary so I can rest up and take life slowly.  Looking forward to it.
Have a lovely time too, everyone, and stay safe.  xx


  1. Mattress shifting sounds a bit risky - go carefully.

    1. I know but lesser of two evils. I don't think my current mattress is helping much at all.
      One of the few disadvantages of solo living. xx

  2. Yes go easy with the mattress shifting - could you not decamp into the guest room for a few days until you are fully recovered or until someone can give you a hand?
    Enjoy the good weather - my line is full of fresh smelling fabrics!!
    Suze x

    1. I thought of that but my bedroom is my comfort place with all my happy stuff - electric blanket, chargers, etc. Yes, I could move it all but it seemed better to do the mattresses really.

  3. Do be careful. Shifting mattresses is trying at the best of times. x x

    1. I was very careful, I don't want another week like last week. xx

  4. Oh please don't overdue, a setback would be the last thing you need. Couldn't Alex or Beth help you? Annabeth xx

    1. 'overdo' !! Predictive strikes again!

    2. I thought of that but they have their own worries at the moment and want to stay close to home. I managed and it was fine - just took for ever. :-)

  5. Get someone to help you girl, you help so many people do other things all the time. ASK!!

    Apart from yelling at you, I do hope you have a good day. :-)

    1. < grin > Trouble is, I'm an independent kinda girl! xx

  6. Glad you managed to swap the mattress over without mishap. Makes all the difference to a good night's sleep.

    1. Thanks, Heather. Hopefully, it will help. I'll know tomorrow morning. xx

  7. So glad you managed the change over. There is absolutely no way I could even move mine off the bed.

    I did manage to change the sheets without having to rest my back today. Progress!

    God bless.

    1. Good for you! I couldn't even think of changing sheets last week so it's definitely an improvement. Perhaps it will be easier after you have had a rest away. I do hope so, a bad back is an absolute misery. xx
