Thursday 17 August 2023

Thursday, 17-08-23

Good morning, everyone.  Happy Thursday to you.  When I woke it was still dark but I pulled back the curtains so I can watch the light grow and I've just been into the garden to pick a few tomatoes and encourage (bonkers?  Moi?) the courgettes and cucumbers.

When I was in Aldi on Tuesday, I treated myself to a couple of bunches of alstroemerias and they are just coming out nicely now.  

Yesterday felt 'odd' with a strange car on my driveway.  What the garage I use does for a pick up is send someone out in a company car and then swap them over.  I don't get the use of it or anything, it's just there.  By the time they had finished with my car and I'd done an online payment, it was too late to clear before the garage closed so it's still there and the other car is still here.  They'll bring it back this morning, probably right in the middle of my online SET class but no worries!

After SET, Chris is round for our weekly coffee and chat in the garden, I hope.  Then it's a quick sort out and some food prep and Val is here for lunch.
So it's going to be a really lovely day of friendship and sharing.

I've heard that my glasses are now in and ready for collection but I'm not going to be able to get in for a few days.  I wonder if they open on Sundays - hang on while I check . . . yes, they do - nine till five.  Well, that's definitely an option.

I'd better stop rambling and get on with some other bits and bobs before the day starts getting busy.  Have a lovely Thursday, everyone, whatever you're doing.  xx


  1. It sounds like a busy, enjoyable day - and the sun might shine, too! x x

    1. It has so far, it's been a lovely day. xx

  2. Hope you had a nice lunch and enjoy those new glasses. They make such a difference.

    1. Thanks - I know I need them, especially for close up - I'm starting to screw my eyes up just a bit than that's not good. I might go in Sunday or maybe Monday morning - I'll see how it all works out. xx

  3. Alstroemerias are beautiful and last for ages - funnily enough my sister has a vase of them here too!
    Suze x

    1. I love them - and they are rarely that expensive either. It's nice to have cut flowers for a treat now and again, isn't it? xx

  4. Lovely flowers. Aldi over there does have a lovely selection of flowers. I'd always buy some for Mum while I was home.

    1. Yes, I have found that too - and usually very reasonable in price. Now and again I treat myself. xx

  5. The flowers are lovely, Joy.
    I hope you've got your own car back by now. Xx

    1. I have thanks. They dropped it off just after ten. xx
