Saturday 19 August 2023

Saturday, 19-08-23


Early morning tomatoes . . .

Good morning, everyone and a happy Saturday to you.  It looks promising outside at the moment although you can see from the tomato montage that we had some rain overnight - maybe quite a lot by the looks of it.  When I went to bed last night, it was very humid but I woke early feeling chilly so snuggled under the duvet to get back to sleep.

Thank you for your very kind wishes about my silly old back.  It's definitely more comfortable but not right yet so I'm being careful and sensible.

Slimming World was, as always, good.  Jen (group consultant) had the week off so we had another local leader, Jenny, who did a grand job.  It can't be easy taking on someone else's group, especially one as lively as ours, but I guess at least you are going to get feedback from everyone and no embarrassing silences.  We don't really do silences!!

I didn't get round to doing any tomatoes so they're on the list for today.  What I did do was have a sudden wish to have a go at making bagels - as you do!!!  So I dug out a recipe, started Thermione up (she does all the messy kneading, etc, for me) and off we went.  It was great fun, especially the shaping, etc.  I thought it would be complicated but watched a YouTube clip (how did we manage before . . . ) of the great Jamie demo-ing it and it really wasn't, it was simple and very satisfying.
They weren't perfect by any means, but I ended up with nine recognisable bagels with proper holes, one to taste and eight for the freezer and it was very tasty.

In the evening, our group of SW walkers went out for a meal together and it was a really lovely evening.  I had a chicken Caesar as my first choice, a smaller plate scampi and chips, was off the menu.  
I got an lift so it was all very trouble free and we've decided to have another one in the New Year.

Today, I am skipping the SET class - as I said above, the back is still troublesome and I don't think the bit I did on Thursday helped much at all.  It seems OK when I'm walking so I will go on our SW group walk from Tower Gardens to the coffee shop, round the lake and back again.  That should help, especially if I pop a few pills beforehand.

I plan to spend the rest of the day pottering in the kitchen, reading, etc.  Taking it gently, in fact.  After all, it IS Saturday, isn't it?

Enjoy your Saturday too - are you doing anything exciting?


  1. It's wet and windy here today, so I think I will be finishing off all the inside chores I began yesterday. But first I think I'll make myself another cup of coffee. X

    1. Quite right too - priorities, every time!! xx

  2. Second attempt!
    We're all at sixes and sevens this morning, so goodness knows what the day will bring! x x

    1. Aw, I hope things settled for you and you got done what needed to get done. xx

  3. Your tomatoes are coming on nicely. I made a large amount of tomato soup in the slow cooker this week, my husband took tomatoes to his sister and I have some to take to our daughter tomorrow. I have changed two beds so washing to do but it's sunny and windy here. I am in the process of colouring my hair and there are,several books crying out to be read :-) Glad your back is less painful today.

    1. Oh, lovely tomato soup - that's a good idea! I'm taking some to Beth and Alex this afternoon (Sunday) and peeling and freezing more of the little ones to use whenever.
      I love these drying friendly days of sun and a breeze. Just perfect.

  4. Nothing exciting but have been sorting out our bookshelves, a long overdue task - there are at least 2 dozen headed for the charity shop. Your tomato montage is very attractive, of all our crops the tomatoes give me the most pleasure.
    Alison in Wales x

    1. Yes, they do for me too. I'm loving the cucumbers and courgettes, of course, but the tomatoes are what I would hate to be without.
      Well done with the bookshelves. Discarding books is so very hard. xx

  5. Great going on making your bagels. I am so tempted, but am deathly afraid of not getting them correct.

    Working in the garden, getting some small tasks done that being a moderator of a forum kind of took the time away from.

    God bless.

    1. You know what, Jackie, it was a doddle. I watched a clear Jamie Oliver YouTube clip (he's a very good teacher, I think, clear and precise) to help me with the shaping and the boiling before baking and it's not tricky, just different. The dough is just dough - if you make bread, you can make bagels.
      Give it a go when you have a spare couple of hours (or time between other tasks because we know bread takes time but not all of that time) and see what you think.
