Thursday 24 August 2023

Thursday, 24-08-23

 Good morning, everyone.  Another early start to the day, it is still quite dark and it's hard to tell what the sky is like but the forecast is for 'light rain showers, a distinct improvement to what it said yesterday for today which was storms.
I don't mind - the only going out for me today is over the cul de sac to Chris for coffee and chatter and rain will cool things down a but - it's felt fairly humid recently.  Oh, and I might get some washing on the line too.

Thank you for your kind messages yesterday.  I'll go back now and answer them.  Hang on.

Done!  :-)

Yesterday was a day where I managed to get things done at last.  Very slowly and carefully and the air turned a bit blue a few times, maybe, but I did things!

I had a go at making some English muffins.  Like many wholemeal bread products that Slimming World caslls a 'healthy extra B', they are difficult to get hold of and I'm fed up of searching for them, bagels, and the line without any luck.  So, I've mastered bagels and yesterday I used wholemeal spelt flour to have a go at English muffins or, as well call them in GB, muffins!!
They certainly came out edible and delicious but, perhaps, a bit 'heavy'.  That might just be the wholemeal element, of course.  Anyway, I had one for lunch, froze the rest and will try a different recipe when they are used up.

I have been a naughty girl and bought a tortilla wrap press - just a machine to press balls of dough into wrap shaped flat thingembobbydoos.  That was not a necessary purchase, I admit, but it arrived yesterday and I might have a go at making just one for lunch.

The next thing I did was some washing.  That was a bit of a farce and took me ages.  First of all, I kicked the washing down the stairs because bending and picking things up was so painful.  Then I knelt down oh-so-carefully to put the clothes in the machine, put in the soap, etc and start it off.
The funniest bit was getting the washing on the line - I managed to drag the filled basket to the back door before realising I really wasn't getting it over the step and along to the line so I went back and forth with a few items at a time.
Luckily, it tickled my sense of humour.
Getting them in was easier.  I dragged out a lightweight chair, put the empty basket on it and took the clothes down.  They were dry so much lighter.  Getting them in was a pain but not impossible.

So today, fingers crossed, I have a stack of ironing and another load of washing.  I'd like to get it done but it can wait if necessary.

The third thing was that Beth picked me up, we went round to Julia's for fish and chips and it was really lovely.  We had a great old chatter in Julia and Harry's beautiful little garden under their gazebo and we'll be having another one next month in between holidays but at mine this time.

So things are definitely looking up again.  There's a distinct improvement since this time yesterday morning and I am going to be oh, so careful today and not take things too fast.  
I've decided that I will cut exercise classes again next week apart from Personal Training, if that's OK with Lindsey, because she can give me some massage and some helpful exercise.  The following week she is away so that's a nice long time to really recover and work back up again slowly and carefully.  I'm missing the classes very much but one has to be sensible.

It's light now and definitely on the gloomy side.  I wouldn't be the least bit surprised if it rains soon so better go out now and pick the day's tomatoes.
Have a lovely Thursday, everyone.  xx  You've been lovely and supportive, everyone.  Thanks very much indeed.


  1. So pleased to hear more improvement this morning. Take it steady.
    Suze x

    1. Thanks, Suze. I am sure it will be slow and steady and I'm good with that. xx

  2. You sound so much better. It's amazing how we can find alternative ways to do things, though some things can be left a little while.

    1. This must be your missing post - it was in the spam folder. xx

  3. Glad to hear that it's easing off and you're beginning to do 'normal' stuff again. Good idea to avoid the strenuous workouts - a massage and some gentle exercises from a trained professional sounds good. xx

    1. Yes, it does and there's definitely an improvement as the morning progresses. Such a huge relief. Thanks, Sooze. xx

  4. I quite often make muffins -- this is my recipe, which works well. You can vary the flour (I usually use a mixture of wholemeal and white) and adjust the liquid quantity accordingly (the dough is meant to be quite sloppy). Also you can use half milk and half water if you like. I wrote it when I still had a bread machine, but you can make it by hand or in the thermomix of course. They freeze really well and are quick to defrost. Take car with that back!

    1. Brilliant, thanks very much indeed. I will copy and paste a visit. xx

  5. It sounds like you are finding ways to manage, and that's exactly what I do. Where there's a will there's a way as they say, and usually I can find a way. :-)

    I've never made English Muffins ... or as we all say muffins. Maybe a half and half mix of white and brown flour would make them lighter. Traditionally they are usually white aren't they.

    1. Yes, they are but I do like wholegrain bread products, even if they are 'firmer'. I can experiment with a mixture - lots of enjoyment there. :-)
      Yes, we get there by hook or by crook. xx

  6. I don't know what Blogger is up to half the time - or maybe it's just me - but I post comments and they just disappear. Anyway, I wanted to say that I'm glad you're feeling a little better. Just don't rush things (something I'm afraid I do) and all will be well soon. x x

    1. Blogger can be weird, really strange, I get a lot of my own comments in the spam folder and I can't for the life of me see why.
      Feeling increasingly better as the day goes one and much relieved. However, I am being careful and taking things slowly. Thanks, Janice. xx

  7. So sorry you injured your back. Keep resting it as much as possible. Hope you feel much better very soon!

    1. Thanks Debbie. It is easing off, thankfully. xx

  8. Glad that you have had some improvement. I am still popping Tylenol every so often but it does really help.

    Sounds like a lovely day.

    God bless.

    1. Is that the USA equivalent of co-codamol, I wonder. I'm very glad it helps. xx

  9. I'm not sure it sounds like you're taking things easy :) But I'm glad you feel up to doing something, hopefully very gently. Xx

    1. lol - well, I am, really, for me anyway. Thanks, Jules. xx
