Friday 18 August 2023

Friday, 18-08-23

 Good morning, everyone.  Half past five and it is just lighting up outside so I've done the morning picking and have several tomatoes and two courgettes, one for some fritters and one to take to Slimming World for the Slimmer of the Week hamper.

I'm going to have to process some tomatoes today and get them into the freezer.  I will just skin the little ones and freeze them whole while I might make some tomato and red pepper sauce with some of the bigger ones - that's always nice and very useful too.

Yesterday was really nice although I've done something to my back so SET class was not great and I pulled out after the first fifteen minutes.  No idea what I've done but it's happened before, same thing, so I guess there's a weakness there.  Thank goodness for the old pain killers!

It was beautifully sunny and Chris and I sat in the garden for our coffee and natter.  Half way through, the car was delivered back so now I have a thoroughly roadworthy car that is also clean inside and out (they do a 'complimentary' valet thingy as part of the service) and that's the legal bit sorted until the road tax is due next year.

Chris left, Val turned up and the lovely, social day continued.  It was warm and sunny and very, very pleasant.

A shame about the back - it's still sore when I get up and move about but then sort of eases a bit for a while - but, dear me, there are much worse things around so keep smiling!!

Today, being Friday, it is Slimming World this morning so I'll be there, doing my bit.  After that, the diary is clear apart from an online chat with Alex until the evening when the small group of golden oldies from SW who have those occasional Saturday walks are meeting at the Hare for a meal together.  I am very much looking forward to that.  

Before then, my lovely cleaners will have done their best so all will be neat and tidy and clean.  Such a nice way to start the weekend!
We're supposed to get some rain here today - good for the garden - but that really doesn't matter in the least and I'm sure it will be a lovely day - hoping yours is too.  Take care, everyone.  xx


  1. So sorry to hear about your back, such a nusience isn't it even if just a niggle. We're meeting a friend for coffe and lunch at a garden centre. It's always good to look around a different one, even though I know it quite well. Then off to a local historic site where my sister is a volunteer on Friday afternoons. We are due rain today too. Keep smiling!
    Suze x

  2. Sorry about your back, what a pain (literally!). Be gentle with yourself for a few days. Enjoy your evening. xx

    1. It is rather - quite uncomfortable at times so I'm being kind to myself. xx

  3. Nurse your back - you need it. Pain relief patches can help.
    It's pouring with rain here and we're promised thunderstorms later - they usually pass us by, even when forecast, so I'll be surprised if anything happens.

    1. It felt very humid at times yesterday (it's Saturday now) and we certainly had some rain overnight but whether was had storms, I don't know. xx

  4. We have a bumper crop of tomatoes, I've given loads away and cooked with some as well as enjoying them in sandwiches and salads. I will be bereft when they are over and we are back to supermarket toms:-(
    Have a good day x
    Alison in Wales x

    1. There is simply no comparison, is there. Even the most expensive tomatoes pale in comparison. xx

  5. Tomato and red pepper sauce sounds delicious. Do you roast them first?
    I hope your back pain eases soon. X

    1. Yes, and also add onion (of course), garlic, soy sauce and Henderson's. Maybe a bit of chilli too but not this time. xx

  6. I am sorry you hurt your back. Nothing worse than back pain that just won't let up.

    God bless.

    1. It is a nuisance at the moment but will sort out in time, I am sure. Thanks, Jackie. xx

  7. I hope that your back improves asap! Back pain is horrid. My other half often suffers but, worse still, he dislocated his shoulder a few weeks ago and that’s taking its time to get back to normal!
    Do you always wake and rise early? I’m also a retired teacher and have spent all of my working life getting up early to go to work; I still wake early even though I don’t have to go to school! 😁

    1. Oh, poor other half. That sounds very unpleasant indeed.
      This early rising is in the blood, isn't it? I like it - I can get a lot done first thing.
