Saturday 5 August 2023

Saturday, 05-08-23

Good morning, everyone, and welcome to the weekend!  Here, it is cloudy and the forecast is for rain and thundery stuff but yesterday was a beautiful day despite areas around getting torrential rain - Chris's mum, for example, in Heybridge (Maldon way and pretty close by) had some very heavy rain.  We were lucky here, for sure.

Slimming World was good.  There were a number of people from other groups coming to be weighed although they didn't stay, which was a shame.  A number of our own folk were away so the group was smaller but still just as much fun.

The cleaners turned up much earlier than usual so I was glad I'd got the house sorted out in time.

For the rest of the day, I did homey stuff, including changing the sheets and getting all the washing done, dried and ironed.  Some of it now needs putting away but that won't take long.

Today, I'm off the Shimmy Studio for a SET class and later on, providing the weather holds, it's our SW group walk but that won't happen if it's wet.

There was a message on Lathcoat's Facebook page saying the plums are ready for picking.  Three cheers.  So I need to look at the diary and see when I have a nine o'clock space to go and pick.  Normally, it would be Monday but this coming weekend I am off into town to collect my glasses.  It might have to wait until Thursday.
Oh, well, at least I CAN go at some point.

Better go and get on with stuff as I have to be out in an hour.  I hope you have a lovely Saturday filled with good stuff.  Be happy.  xx


  1. Hi Joy,
    You can’t fail to be happy after reading such a cheery post! Have a wonderful day - it’s a bit rainy here so far but that’s ok with me! Knitting and a bit of telly! The menfolks can take the dogs out!!
    Rachel x

    1. It's teeming down here so the walk definitely isn't going to happen which is a shame. I enjoy those walks but not when one will get soaking wet. Dogs and rain are definitely a job for the men, I agree. :-)

  2. Chilly and wet here, though the sun is making a valiant effort to break through.

    1. It looks like the rain is set in for the morning now but maybe it will brighten up later - that would be good. xx

  3. Plums are so useful aren't they? Once again I find myself a little envious of the pick your own - nothing like that round here!
    We are getting the full brunt of the high winds so staying in this afternoon and may even light a fire x
    Alison in Wales x

    1. I really love plums. They jam well, they cook well, they freeze well, they make a lovely sauce for meat and they just taste so darn good when juicy and ripe.
      I feel very fortunate to have Lathcoats around here - the farm shop is pretty good too, even if it is small.
      We don't have any wind here (yet) but it is very wet and chilly too so the oodie is in use again.

  4. Still sunny and dry here. Hoping for rain, though I bet the farmers aren't. Harvest has started very early here this year.

    God bless.

    1. All that hot weather and sunshine, I guess. Maybe hope for rain after the harvest - how long would that be? xx

  5. Plums...delicious! Plum kuchen is one of my favorite desserts. All that rain must be nourishing for the fruit trees and garden.

    1. It's delicious, I agree.
      Yes, one would hope so - the ground was getting so very dry but after the recent rains everything is looking fresh and happy again.

  6. Hope you managed to get out for a walk and the weather held off! Have a great weekend

    1. Sadly, no, it didn't. It rained hard for much of the day but it was still a very pleasant day, indoors instead of out. :-)
