Wednesday 16 August 2023

Wednesday, 16-08-23

   Good morning, everyone.  Another fine, clear start to the day today after what turned out to be a beautiful summer day yesterday.  

Getting the idea at last.  As the little tomatoes slacken off slightly, the bigger ones are finally starting to ripen.  These will be yellow pear shaped fruit, not huge but not tiny either.  I'm hoping they taste as good as they will look.
Also, the courgettes are continuing to give and there are two little cucumbers coming along nicely (with a whole one in the fridge).

Yesterday seemed busy with lots of bits and bobs to be getting on with.  I went to Groove (great fun again), did my fortnightly shop at M&S/Aldi and fingers are crossed that apart from a bit of fresh stuff, that's it until September now.

Back home, I sorted it all out, portioned and froze stuff, hung out the washing, emptied the dishwasher, cleared the car, brought the washing in, ironed it, did various cleaning bits and bobs and general kept myself occupied.  It was very satisfying.

Today, someone is coming to pick up the car for its annual MOT and service.  I haven't noticed any problems or issues so let's hope it won't be outrageously costly.  While that's being done, I am giving the house a good clean as I have a friend coming round for lunch tomorrow and some of the corners and surfaces are a bit messy.  No circuits today as I have to stay in (for when they pick up the car between 8 and 11) and it's not one Lindsey can deliver online (I asked) so no worries, I will find something to do.

Just another ordinary, enjoyable day in my life.  Nice.
Wishing you all a very good day too.  Take care.  xx


  1. The weather is preparing for the beginning of the autumn term. It always seems to be beautiful when term starts and the days are no longer free to plan as desired . . . unless you're retired, of course.

    1. Yup - and no complaints from this quarter. :-)

  2. Hope your day turned out as enjoyable as mine. Your tomatoes are coming along really well, I can almost smell them from here! I'm in Cornwall at the moment staying with my sister - this afternoon we went to an amazing dahlia exhibition the sun shone and the blooms were stunning.
    Suze xx

    1. I'm glad you had such a lovely day. Dahlias can be absolutely amazing and there's such variety of shape, size and colour. Great garden flowers.
      Are you in Cornwall for long? It must be lovely in such good weather. xx

    2. Came down on Tuesday and return a week today. I will try and email some photos later. xx

    3. That would be lovely - I will remember to check. :-) xx

  3. You were busy yesterday, Joy, a lot accomplished. It's a very satisfying feeling to get so many chores completed. Hope today also went well.

    1. It's definitely most satisfying when one achieves a lot? Such a good feeling. xx

  4. Lots happening around your place. Those tomatoes look lovely.

    God bless.

    1. Just pleasant, every day things, nothing startling or unpleasant. The best kind of day really. xx

  5. I do hope the MOT went well. They can be quite expensive!

    Here people literally drive cars until they fall apart. I see cars all the time with duct tape holding them together. It's funny and scary!

    1. It did, thanks. There were no extras this time although next year they will need to replace the cam belt (I think that's what they said) which will be a bit ouch.
      Mind you - who knows? Maybe I will have won the big prize on the Premium Bonds and have a new car anyway (Yeah, sure!!!).

      I'd hate to drive a car that had such obvious issues. I even worry about tyres and check them regularly (which is what you're supposed to do anyway!).
