Friday 7 July 2017


Good morning, everyone.  It's another muggy morning after a very hot and humid day yesterday when it kept threatening to storm but didn't quite make it.  Disappointing from the garden point of view.

The day passed as planned - meeting, helping, three tuition sessions and then ironing to finish off the day.  I wasn't needed in Y2 so I made up my time in FS with some reading and some photocopying for next year.  It's nice to be useful.

While at school, I saw that the KS2 SATs results were in and, while I know that they are not (and should not be) everything, it was really lovely to see that they were absolutely fantastic, outstandingly good, the best we have ever had (and we've always done well).  I was also please later on to get a message that some tuition I had given had obviously 'worked' and the mum was so pleased and proud, as was I too.

The decorating is coming along.  Paul is doing the whole area in 'sections' as I think I've mentioned before, and he's nearly finished the extension part of the room.  Over the weekend I should be able to start putting things back in the two dressers and two sideboards and use that area for living in.  Yesterday, I did tuition using the gopak table and it was more than a bit restrictive.  The curtains should also go back up which will be nice.  I'm lucky in that the back is not very overlooked but, nevertheless, it is nice to be able to draw the curtains and shut the world out later on each evening.  Let's be thankful it is summer, not winter!

Today, Beth and I are meeting down the allotment a bit later and are having a picnic.  I made a small pot of jam with what was left of the surprise plums so I thought I'd use it to make some jam sandwiches.  Won't the wasps just love that!

Until then, painter or no painter, I have some housework that needs doing so I'll have to sort of work around him!  The cleaners won't be coming today, of course, as upstairs is as bad as downstairs in terms of disruption.

It'll be grand when it's all done though.

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