Sunday, 31 July 2016
The last day of July too. Time continues to fly. It'll be Autumn soon . . .
Yesterday was fantastic. Yes, it was busy, my dodgy ankle played up a bit, I was shattered by the end of the day but it was gorgeous all the same.
It's always lovely when as much of the family (my family, I mean, I have little to do with my ex's family) as possible meets up for a shared meal. The excuse - I mean the reason - was to celebrate Alex's 18th although it wasn't a party really, it was a get together.
The food was what Al wanted and, it seems, what everyone else wanted too! Yes, there's leftovers but Beth took some with her, John will take some when he leaves this morning and the rest can be absorbed into the meal planning, so no problems. The kitchen looks a bit like a bomb site but I did do a lot of clearing up yesterday so the rest shouldn't take too long. The hole in my bank account will disappear quickly enough too! :-)
I took a few photos but I haven't 'developed' them yet.
This morning is going to be a take-it-easy time. Beth is round for lunch and then I might do a bit of crafting. One of my pupils is having a holiday session on Thursday so I might get the planning and resources done for that. I have some black cherry jam to make for a dear friend so if I take the fruit out of the freezer this morning I can do it this afternoon. Small, simple pleasures are what make my life so enjoyable.
Maybe, just maybe, this coming week is the week I get my bedroom tidy. What do you think? And miracles might happen if the tomatoes start ripening. I got a bit desperate yesterday and chucked four little ripe tomatoes (from the shop) on the tomato bed in the hopes that they will send off ripening vibes to show mine what to do! Fingers crossed.
So, back to normal on the food planning front, this is today's plan.
B: bran flakes with soft fruit, apple
L: cold meat and salad, orange
D: I have a picking of runner beans so I shall pretend they are spaghetti and dollop a portion of bolognaise over them. I might go lavish and have some grated not-Parmesan on top, just to be wicked! Then natural yogurt and strawberries.
I took this photo the other day, posted it on Facebook and got plenty of likes from my friends. So I will leave you with this - home grown runner beans on a home made willow trug! :-)
Yesterday was fantastic. Yes, it was busy, my dodgy ankle played up a bit, I was shattered by the end of the day but it was gorgeous all the same.
It's always lovely when as much of the family (my family, I mean, I have little to do with my ex's family) as possible meets up for a shared meal. The excuse - I mean the reason - was to celebrate Alex's 18th although it wasn't a party really, it was a get together.
The food was what Al wanted and, it seems, what everyone else wanted too! Yes, there's leftovers but Beth took some with her, John will take some when he leaves this morning and the rest can be absorbed into the meal planning, so no problems. The kitchen looks a bit like a bomb site but I did do a lot of clearing up yesterday so the rest shouldn't take too long. The hole in my bank account will disappear quickly enough too! :-)
I took a few photos but I haven't 'developed' them yet.
This morning is going to be a take-it-easy time. Beth is round for lunch and then I might do a bit of crafting. One of my pupils is having a holiday session on Thursday so I might get the planning and resources done for that. I have some black cherry jam to make for a dear friend so if I take the fruit out of the freezer this morning I can do it this afternoon. Small, simple pleasures are what make my life so enjoyable.
Maybe, just maybe, this coming week is the week I get my bedroom tidy. What do you think? And miracles might happen if the tomatoes start ripening. I got a bit desperate yesterday and chucked four little ripe tomatoes (from the shop) on the tomato bed in the hopes that they will send off ripening vibes to show mine what to do! Fingers crossed.
So, back to normal on the food planning front, this is today's plan.
B: bran flakes with soft fruit, apple
L: cold meat and salad, orange
D: I have a picking of runner beans so I shall pretend they are spaghetti and dollop a portion of bolognaise over them. I might go lavish and have some grated not-Parmesan on top, just to be wicked! Then natural yogurt and strawberries.
I took this photo the other day, posted it on Facebook and got plenty of likes from my friends. So I will leave you with this - home grown runner beans on a home made willow trug! :-)
Saturday, 30 July 2016
. . . and it looks like it is going to be dull and dismal. Where's the sunshine that was forecast earlier in the week, I want to know? Maybe it will break through later.
Yesterday was rather busy. A big shop in the morning and party stuff in the afternoon. Beth and Al turned up and we blew up balloons and then enjoyed a take away Chinese which was delicious. The leftovers are now in little pots for another time.
I'm having a lazy start this morning and, because I was lazy yesterday, a lot of the preparations mean opening packets today so it won't be too bad.
Just a quick entry today and no food plans just because . . . < smiles >
See you tomorrow.
Yesterday was rather busy. A big shop in the morning and party stuff in the afternoon. Beth and Al turned up and we blew up balloons and then enjoyed a take away Chinese which was delicious. The leftovers are now in little pots for another time.
I'm having a lazy start this morning and, because I was lazy yesterday, a lot of the preparations mean opening packets today so it won't be too bad.
Just a quick entry today and no food plans just because . . . < smiles >
See you tomorrow.
Friday, 29 July 2016
Is it really Friday already? Where does the time go? The first week of the summer holidays is over and done and it's nearly the end of July as well.
It's dark and I can only tell that it hasn't been raining and it isn't too cold or hot. I seem to have moved into an early waking spell again - that's three days in a row waking before four o'clock and not being able to nod off again. Ho hum!
Yesterday was another good day. The tuition went well and I can see the way forward. I saw some work books in Aldi, of all places, and I have also ordered some from Amazon so I feel I have the resources needed for now. It's very odd - I started out saying I would only have the younger children, those who were maybe having difficulties with early reading and writing or with phonics and instead I have older ones. I'm enjoying it too. I spent several years of my teaching career as a non-class teacher and SENCo, working with individuals and groups and I did love it. It meant detailed planning and a fair amount of record keeping which was time consuming but working with individuals can be instantly rewarding and productive.
After my student had gone, I set to with housework and so on. The ironing is all done and the washing basket is more or less empty. The living room is tidier and is the kitchen. Today the cleaners come and work their magic for a couple of hours which is great timing!
Come the evening, we all met up at the Hare and had a really pleasant time together, talking about this, that and the other. We've arranged a couple of things too. For a while I have been umming and ahing about getting a ramp for the front door as one of us uses a wheelchair and it would be so lovely to be able to meet here instead of 'out'. When that's sorted, we can have crafting afternoons together, which everyone thinks would be good fun and which I think would be a good excuse for baking and cooking lunches, etc.
Also, I think I've sorted out someone to help me with my tax returns for a few years. I haven't needed to fill in a tax return for ages now so am out of practise and, while my affairs are comparatively simple, this year is more complicated than I would like and I will appreciate some help and a bit of teaching! So that's great.
Today I will continue to tidy up the place, attacking the corners of debris that pile up from time to time. Then I need to go shopping for the family get together - nothing too complicated but it does need doing. As one of my visitors will have arrived by this evening, Beth and Al are coming round and I shall get a takeaway which will save time and effort.
So - today's food.
B: egg muffin
L: what's in the doggy bag brought home from the Hare last night. Waste not, want not!
D: probably take away.
As you can see, not terribly healthy today but never mind, back on track after the do tomorrow will be the name of the game.
It's dark and I can only tell that it hasn't been raining and it isn't too cold or hot. I seem to have moved into an early waking spell again - that's three days in a row waking before four o'clock and not being able to nod off again. Ho hum!
Yesterday was another good day. The tuition went well and I can see the way forward. I saw some work books in Aldi, of all places, and I have also ordered some from Amazon so I feel I have the resources needed for now. It's very odd - I started out saying I would only have the younger children, those who were maybe having difficulties with early reading and writing or with phonics and instead I have older ones. I'm enjoying it too. I spent several years of my teaching career as a non-class teacher and SENCo, working with individuals and groups and I did love it. It meant detailed planning and a fair amount of record keeping which was time consuming but working with individuals can be instantly rewarding and productive.
After my student had gone, I set to with housework and so on. The ironing is all done and the washing basket is more or less empty. The living room is tidier and is the kitchen. Today the cleaners come and work their magic for a couple of hours which is great timing!
Come the evening, we all met up at the Hare and had a really pleasant time together, talking about this, that and the other. We've arranged a couple of things too. For a while I have been umming and ahing about getting a ramp for the front door as one of us uses a wheelchair and it would be so lovely to be able to meet here instead of 'out'. When that's sorted, we can have crafting afternoons together, which everyone thinks would be good fun and which I think would be a good excuse for baking and cooking lunches, etc.
Also, I think I've sorted out someone to help me with my tax returns for a few years. I haven't needed to fill in a tax return for ages now so am out of practise and, while my affairs are comparatively simple, this year is more complicated than I would like and I will appreciate some help and a bit of teaching! So that's great.
Today I will continue to tidy up the place, attacking the corners of debris that pile up from time to time. Then I need to go shopping for the family get together - nothing too complicated but it does need doing. As one of my visitors will have arrived by this evening, Beth and Al are coming round and I shall get a takeaway which will save time and effort.
So - today's food.
B: egg muffin
L: what's in the doggy bag brought home from the Hare last night. Waste not, want not!
D: probably take away.
As you can see, not terribly healthy today but never mind, back on track after the do tomorrow will be the name of the game.
Thursday, 28 July 2016
Good morning, gentle readers. Light is just starting to dawn outside. It feels strange to be waking in the dark again: it's partly because I'm waking earlier and partly because the nights are lengthening again.
Yesterday was quite a difficult day although I can't go into any details. In between worries, Beth and I got quite a lot done which I was very pleased about. By the end of the day the house will be ready for both the cleaners tomorrow and the family get together on Saturday.
Apart from housework, I have a pupil coming for their first tuition session with me which I am very much looking for. Everything is planned and I am looking online for some materials/resources I can use in the future.
One thing I was glad about. I had hung some washing outside and it was flapping merrily in the breeze. Suddenly it got very dark and overcast. 'Uh oh,' thought I and whizzed outsize to get the washing in, just before the heavens opened! Although it hadn't been out long, the washing was dry apart from two quilt covers which I draped over chairs. So all was well!
Another good thing - they have finally got my AVC sorted out and the first money was in the bank yesterday morning. Thank goodness for that and about time too!
Because of all the worry, yesterday evening was a bit wonky, food wise. How I wish I wasn't a person who ate for comfort!
Hopefully today will be better.
B: bran flakes with blueberries, raspberries and strawberries
L: smoked salmon, feta and olive salad, apple or orange
D: out to the Hare with the girls - I will maybe choose healthy stuff but maybe not, depending on how I feel. I'm putting no pressure on me tonight!
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Just to cheer me up - it is lovely, isn't it? |
Yesterday was quite a difficult day although I can't go into any details. In between worries, Beth and I got quite a lot done which I was very pleased about. By the end of the day the house will be ready for both the cleaners tomorrow and the family get together on Saturday.
Apart from housework, I have a pupil coming for their first tuition session with me which I am very much looking for. Everything is planned and I am looking online for some materials/resources I can use in the future.
One thing I was glad about. I had hung some washing outside and it was flapping merrily in the breeze. Suddenly it got very dark and overcast. 'Uh oh,' thought I and whizzed outsize to get the washing in, just before the heavens opened! Although it hadn't been out long, the washing was dry apart from two quilt covers which I draped over chairs. So all was well!
Another good thing - they have finally got my AVC sorted out and the first money was in the bank yesterday morning. Thank goodness for that and about time too!
Because of all the worry, yesterday evening was a bit wonky, food wise. How I wish I wasn't a person who ate for comfort!
Hopefully today will be better.
B: bran flakes with blueberries, raspberries and strawberries
L: smoked salmon, feta and olive salad, apple or orange
D: out to the Hare with the girls - I will maybe choose healthy stuff but maybe not, depending on how I feel. I'm putting no pressure on me tonight!
Wednesday, 27 July 2016
Hello, everyone. Welcome to a dark, cool, peaceful early Wednesday morning when only the foolish are up and blogging! I really struggled to stay awake yesterday evening, had to stop watching 'Inside the Factory' which I was really interested in and go to bed because at that time it's better to sleep in bed than on the chair. Fortunately, my visitor knows me and didn't mind.
Thank goodness for iPlayer.
So here I am, early morning, wide awake, just about to have my first coffee (decaf) of the day and not able to see what the weather is doing out there because it is still very dark and the street lights are out!
Yesterday was a good day. It started with a very leisurely breakfast, moved on to yet another call to the Pru with Beth as my ears relating to the ongoing saga of my teachers AVC (now, I hope, sorted, as the first pension payment was in my account this morning at long, long last!), followed by Sharon arriving to do Beth's and my hair (it feels so, so much better now) and then, after lunch, into town for a little wander round.
I used to love going into town for a wander round. In fact, the first Monday of every school holiday was set aside for just such a thing, revelling in the freedom to just meander when I would normally be at work. Maybe the delight I felt was more to do with the freedom than the thing itself, I don't know, but while it is OK to window shop, etc, it doesn't have the thrill it used to have. I will probably feel very different about it after our new John Lewis opens in September. Yes, we are going to have a John Lewis! I will avoid it like the plague until the middle of October as it will be jam packed full and nearer to Christmas it will also be a place to avoid, as will be the whole of town, in fact, but there should be a little window of enjoyment time between the two events. I like John Lewis!
I made a fish pie for dinner which, although I say it myself, tasted really rather good and I am glad there is enough left over for my main meal today, with top up veg. There's no denying it, a little splash of cream in a sauce can work wonders! The garden grown courgettes and runners were also absolutely delicious!
Today I have to get Al to the station after the rush hour and before the milk run - or, rather, when the milk run would be if it were term time. Then it will be back home to catch up on ironing, change sheets, wash, dry, more iron, sorting out corners of utter clutter and all the other 101 things one does when one's family comes a-calling.
Today's meals:
B: natural yogurt, fruit and granola
L: corn on the cob (from the garden, frozen last year), apple, orange
D: re-heated fish pie, mange tout, red peppers, mushroom and tomatoes, melon
(I know this last bit isn't terribly fascinating for anyone else but it really helps me to stay on track for the day so thank you for putting up with it)
Edited to add something I forgot. Remember those wooden things in yesterday's entry?
Well, I asked on the Cressing Temple page in Facebook, posting the photo, and it appears that they are African chairs, put there about twenty years ago as a 'feature'. The question caused a little flutter of interest, Valerie used a Google function to search the photo (must learn how to do that) and she found that they were African chairs. Then Cressing Temple replied and here's the information.
"Hello all, they are modern structures built around 20 years ago. We have been advised that they were a small addition to the site that were created as a feature."
I suggested:
"Thanks very much, everyone. They look so old! They're very interesting so perhaps there could be some info there about them, maybe?
I'm guessing the sword like crosses are because of where they have been placed."
"Hi Joy, it's a good idea as we are asked about them a lot . I'll do some more digging and see if we can find out who created them and there full purpose and see if we can get some information up about them."
So there you go. I am a little more knowledgeable than I was yesterday. I'd love one for the garden but I guess they are not all that comfortable so I see why they are called a 'feature'!
Thank goodness for iPlayer.
So here I am, early morning, wide awake, just about to have my first coffee (decaf) of the day and not able to see what the weather is doing out there because it is still very dark and the street lights are out!
Yesterday was a good day. It started with a very leisurely breakfast, moved on to yet another call to the Pru with Beth as my ears relating to the ongoing saga of my teachers AVC (now, I hope, sorted, as the first pension payment was in my account this morning at long, long last!), followed by Sharon arriving to do Beth's and my hair (it feels so, so much better now) and then, after lunch, into town for a little wander round.
I used to love going into town for a wander round. In fact, the first Monday of every school holiday was set aside for just such a thing, revelling in the freedom to just meander when I would normally be at work. Maybe the delight I felt was more to do with the freedom than the thing itself, I don't know, but while it is OK to window shop, etc, it doesn't have the thrill it used to have. I will probably feel very different about it after our new John Lewis opens in September. Yes, we are going to have a John Lewis! I will avoid it like the plague until the middle of October as it will be jam packed full and nearer to Christmas it will also be a place to avoid, as will be the whole of town, in fact, but there should be a little window of enjoyment time between the two events. I like John Lewis!
I made a fish pie for dinner which, although I say it myself, tasted really rather good and I am glad there is enough left over for my main meal today, with top up veg. There's no denying it, a little splash of cream in a sauce can work wonders! The garden grown courgettes and runners were also absolutely delicious!
Today I have to get Al to the station after the rush hour and before the milk run - or, rather, when the milk run would be if it were term time. Then it will be back home to catch up on ironing, change sheets, wash, dry, more iron, sorting out corners of utter clutter and all the other 101 things one does when one's family comes a-calling.
Today's meals:
B: natural yogurt, fruit and granola
L: corn on the cob (from the garden, frozen last year), apple, orange
D: re-heated fish pie, mange tout, red peppers, mushroom and tomatoes, melon
(I know this last bit isn't terribly fascinating for anyone else but it really helps me to stay on track for the day so thank you for putting up with it)
Edited to add something I forgot. Remember those wooden things in yesterday's entry?
Well, I asked on the Cressing Temple page in Facebook, posting the photo, and it appears that they are African chairs, put there about twenty years ago as a 'feature'. The question caused a little flutter of interest, Valerie used a Google function to search the photo (must learn how to do that) and she found that they were African chairs. Then Cressing Temple replied and here's the information.
"Hello all, they are modern structures built around 20 years ago. We have been advised that they were a small addition to the site that were created as a feature."
I suggested:
"Thanks very much, everyone. They look so old! They're very interesting so perhaps there could be some info there about them, maybe?
I'm guessing the sword like crosses are because of where they have been placed."
"Hi Joy, it's a good idea as we are asked about them a lot . I'll do some more digging and see if we can find out who created them and there full purpose and see if we can get some information up about them."
So there you go. I am a little more knowledgeable than I was yesterday. I'd love one for the garden but I guess they are not all that comfortable so I see why they are called a 'feature'!
Hello, everyone. Welcome to a dark, cool, peaceful early Wednesday morning when only the foolish are up and blogging! I really struggled to stay awake yesterday evening, had to stop watching 'Inside the Factory' which I was really interested in and go to bed because at that time it's better to sleep in bed than on the chair. Fortunately, my visitor knows me and didn't mind.
Thank goodness for iPlayer.
So here I am, early morning, wide awake, just about to have my first coffee (decaf) of the day and not able to see what the weather is doing out there because it is still very dark and the street lights are out!
Yesterday was a good day. It started with a very leisurely breakfast, moved on to yet another call to the Pru with Beth as my ears relating to the ongoing saga of my teachers AVC (now, I hope, sorted, as the first pension payment was in my account this morning at long, long last!), followed by Sharon arriving to do Beth's and my hair (it feels so, so much better now) and then, after lunch, into town for a little wander round.
I used to love going into town for a wander round. In fact, the first Monday of every school holiday was set aside for just such a thing, revelling in the freedom to just meander when I would normally be at work. Maybe the delight I felt was more to do with the freedom than the thing itself, I don't know, but while it is OK to window shop, etc, it doesn't have the thrill it used to have. I will probably feel very different about it after our new John Lewis opens in September. Yes, we are going to have a John Lewis! I will avoid it like the plague until the middle of October as it will be jam packed full and nearer to Christmas it will also be a place to avoid, as will be the whole of town, in fact, but there should be a little window of enjoyment time between the two events. I like John Lewis!
I made a fish pie for dinner which, although I say it myself, tasted really rather good and I am glad there is enough left over for my main meal today, with top up veg. There's no denying it, a little splash of cream in a sauce can work wonders! The garden grown courgettes and runners were also absolutely delicious!
Today I have to get Al to the station after the rush hour and before the milk run - or, rather, when the milk run would be if it were term time. Then it will be back home to catch up on ironing, change sheets, wash, dry, more iron, sorting out corners of utter clutter and all the other 101 things one does when one's family comes a-calling.
Today's meals:
B: natural yogurt, fruit and granola
L: corn on the cob (from the garden, frozen last year), apple, orange
D: re-heated fish pie, mange tout, red peppers, mushroom and tomatoes, melon
(I know this last bit isn't terribly fascinating for anyone else but it really helps me to stay on track for the day so thank you for putting up with it)
Edited to add something I forgot. Remember those wooden things in yesterday's entry?
Well, I asked on the Cressing Temple page in Facebook, posting the photo, and it appears that they are African chairs, put there about twenty years ago as a 'feature'. The question caused a little flutter of interest, Valerie used a Google function to search the photo (must learn how to do that) and she found that they were African chairs. Then Cressing Temple replied and here's the information.
"Hello all, they are modern structures built around 20 years ago. We have been advised that they were a small addition to the site that were created as a feature."
I suggested:
"Thanks very much, everyone. They look so old! They're very interesting so perhaps there could be some info there about them, maybe?
I'm guessing the sword like crosses are because of where they have been placed."
"Hi Joy, it's a good idea as we are asked about them a lot . I'll do some more digging and see if we can find out who created them and there full purpose and see if we can get some information up about them."
So there you go. I am a little more knowledgeable than I was yesterday. I'd love one for the garden but I guess they are not all that comfortable so I see why they are called a 'feature'!
Thank goodness for iPlayer.
So here I am, early morning, wide awake, just about to have my first coffee (decaf) of the day and not able to see what the weather is doing out there because it is still very dark and the street lights are out!
Yesterday was a good day. It started with a very leisurely breakfast, moved on to yet another call to the Pru with Beth as my ears relating to the ongoing saga of my teachers AVC (now, I hope, sorted, as the first pension payment was in my account this morning at long, long last!), followed by Sharon arriving to do Beth's and my hair (it feels so, so much better now) and then, after lunch, into town for a little wander round.
I used to love going into town for a wander round. In fact, the first Monday of every school holiday was set aside for just such a thing, revelling in the freedom to just meander when I would normally be at work. Maybe the delight I felt was more to do with the freedom than the thing itself, I don't know, but while it is OK to window shop, etc, it doesn't have the thrill it used to have. I will probably feel very different about it after our new John Lewis opens in September. Yes, we are going to have a John Lewis! I will avoid it like the plague until the middle of October as it will be jam packed full and nearer to Christmas it will also be a place to avoid, as will be the whole of town, in fact, but there should be a little window of enjoyment time between the two events. I like John Lewis!
I made a fish pie for dinner which, although I say it myself, tasted really rather good and I am glad there is enough left over for my main meal today, with top up veg. There's no denying it, a little splash of cream in a sauce can work wonders! The garden grown courgettes and runners were also absolutely delicious!
Today I have to get Al to the station after the rush hour and before the milk run - or, rather, when the milk run would be if it were term time. Then it will be back home to catch up on ironing, change sheets, wash, dry, more iron, sorting out corners of utter clutter and all the other 101 things one does when one's family comes a-calling.
Today's meals:
B: natural yogurt, fruit and granola
L: corn on the cob (from the garden, frozen last year), apple, orange
D: re-heated fish pie, mange tout, red peppers, mushroom and tomatoes, melon
(I know this last bit isn't terribly fascinating for anyone else but it really helps me to stay on track for the day so thank you for putting up with it)
Edited to add something I forgot. Remember those wooden things in yesterday's entry?
Well, I asked on the Cressing Temple page in Facebook, posting the photo, and it appears that they are African chairs, put there about twenty years ago as a 'feature'. The question caused a little flutter of interest, Valerie used a Google function to search the photo (must learn how to do that) and she found that they were African chairs. Then Cressing Temple replied and here's the information.
"Hello all, they are modern structures built around 20 years ago. We have been advised that they were a small addition to the site that were created as a feature."
I suggested:
"Thanks very much, everyone. They look so old! They're very interesting so perhaps there could be some info there about them, maybe?
I'm guessing the sword like crosses are because of where they have been placed."
"Hi Joy, it's a good idea as we are asked about them a lot . I'll do some more digging and see if we can find out who created them and there full purpose and see if we can get some information up about them."
So there you go. I am a little more knowledgeable than I was yesterday. I'd love one for the garden but I guess they are not all that comfortable so I see why they are called a 'feature'!
Tuesday, 26 July 2016
Hello, gentle readers. For once I am up before the sun and I am sure that the mornings are starting later again! From what I can see, I think today is going to be another wonderful day, like yesterday. Yesterday the heat was less, the humidity was a lot less and there was a refreshing breeze. It was gorgeous.
As it was such a lovely day, Al and I decided we would take a simple picnic to Cressing Temple. There were several advantages to this: we both like it there, the drive is mostly country and is very pleasant, it's not too far away and it is free!
Our simple picnic was tuna sarnies with lettuce leaves, cucumber and tomatoes on the side followed by fruit and we had water to drink. Very simple and absolutely delicious eaten while sitting at a picnic bench in the shade.
As always, I took loads of photos. Here's just a few.
I also picked up a new course leaflet and it appears that there are two in November - one for making willow reindeer and one for making felted angels. Decisions! I can't go to both!
Once home again, I set to in the kitchen to make a vegetable curry. I am somewhat restricted in what I can use for my friend but I was so very pleased with the outcome. It had potato, sweet potato, onion, carrot, green beans, mange tout, baby corn and courgette. To my dismay, I discovered that the korma paste jar was almost empty but it was a good thing because I had to use my spices (I did swill out the jar and use the last dregs.
I finished it off with a trick I learnt ages ago - chop up some mango chutney very fine and add it with a splash of cream, mix it in well and serve.
I thought it was delicious!
Today is a stay at home morning as I have a phone call to make and Sharon is coming to do my hair, and Bath's too, at midday. We might pop into town in the afternoon, it all depends on time really.
Today's food.
B: bran flakes with fresh fruit, apple
L: egg salad, melon
D: fish pie with sweet potato topping, runner beans, courgettes (the latter two from gardens), yogurt
As it was such a lovely day, Al and I decided we would take a simple picnic to Cressing Temple. There were several advantages to this: we both like it there, the drive is mostly country and is very pleasant, it's not too far away and it is free!
Our simple picnic was tuna sarnies with lettuce leaves, cucumber and tomatoes on the side followed by fruit and we had water to drink. Very simple and absolutely delicious eaten while sitting at a picnic bench in the shade.
As always, I took loads of photos. Here's just a few.
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One of the decorated bricks. |
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In the walled garden - I was playing with the camera functions. |
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The walled garden again. |
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We had no idea what these are. On was inscribed with a cross on a shield and another with a sword. They are likely to be connected with the Knights Templar who used to own Cressing Temple but there was no info on the sheet. I am going to send them the photo and ask - they're very good at responding to requests for information. |
I also picked up a new course leaflet and it appears that there are two in November - one for making willow reindeer and one for making felted angels. Decisions! I can't go to both!
Once home again, I set to in the kitchen to make a vegetable curry. I am somewhat restricted in what I can use for my friend but I was so very pleased with the outcome. It had potato, sweet potato, onion, carrot, green beans, mange tout, baby corn and courgette. To my dismay, I discovered that the korma paste jar was almost empty but it was a good thing because I had to use my spices (I did swill out the jar and use the last dregs.
I finished it off with a trick I learnt ages ago - chop up some mango chutney very fine and add it with a splash of cream, mix it in well and serve.
I thought it was delicious!
Today is a stay at home morning as I have a phone call to make and Sharon is coming to do my hair, and Bath's too, at midday. We might pop into town in the afternoon, it all depends on time really.
Today's food.
B: bran flakes with fresh fruit, apple
L: egg salad, melon
D: fish pie with sweet potato topping, runner beans, courgettes (the latter two from gardens), yogurt
Monday, 25 July 2016
Good morning, Shoestringers. Things are all back to normal here in sunny mid-Essex, whatever 'normal' means. The windows are open, the sun is shining, the breeze is rustling the leaves on the surrounding trees. It is all just lovely!
Sunday was quite busy. After a pleasant drive home I set to and unpacked, sorted ont washing, did some tidying up, picked up my friend from the station, made dinner (delicious) and generally enjoyed myself.
I changed my lunch plans and made the egg muffin that was shown on Eat Well for Less this last week. For such a simple recipe it was absolutely delicious although I am sure the deliciousness was helped by the home made English muffin. It was also very filling.
I've blogged about it in t'other blog.
I'm not sure what we are doing today but it will be something! :-)
Today's food:
B: bran flakes with fresh fruit, maybe some melon slices.
L: tuna salad, apple
D: vegetable curry, rice, yogurt
Sunday was quite busy. After a pleasant drive home I set to and unpacked, sorted ont washing, did some tidying up, picked up my friend from the station, made dinner (delicious) and generally enjoyed myself.
I changed my lunch plans and made the egg muffin that was shown on Eat Well for Less this last week. For such a simple recipe it was absolutely delicious although I am sure the deliciousness was helped by the home made English muffin. It was also very filling.
I've blogged about it in t'other blog.
I'm not sure what we are doing today but it will be something! :-)
Today's food:
B: bran flakes with fresh fruit, maybe some melon slices.
L: tuna salad, apple
D: vegetable curry, rice, yogurt
Sunday, 24 July 2016
Well, I am now back home after a few days with my Mum and Dad, and a very pleasant few days it was too. I'm home to be greeted by a flourishing garden (thanks to Jared and Beth watering it for me twice a day) and a house that needs a serious tidy (which it won't completely get until later on in the week).
The meals are now in my control again so . . .
B: was bran flakes with blueberries and a satsuma
L: egg muffin as shown on Eat Well for Less last Wednesday
D: breaded plaice with wedges and, probably coleslaw although it might be peas instead.
Just a short one today as I have quite a lot of work to do.
The meals are now in my control again so . . .
B: was bran flakes with blueberries and a satsuma
L: egg muffin as shown on Eat Well for Less last Wednesday
D: breaded plaice with wedges and, probably coleslaw although it might be peas instead.
Just a short one today as I have quite a lot of work to do.
Saturday, 23 July 2016
Good morning, gentle readers.
It's a lovely cool, bright morning although yesterday was a real mix - rain, sun, cloud, some wind, some humidity . . .
We had planned to go lavender picking but, after some very heavy rain, decided that it would be too damp so we went to the health food shop so I could top up with peanut butter (they sell it in big tubs and it is just ground peanuts with nothing else added. Lovely stuff!
Today I have no idea what we are doing. We might do the lavender today. We will see!
Today's food (I think)
B: bran flakes with sultanas, Natural yogurt with blueberries and grapes.
L: no idea
D: frittata with salad. I know that's what I said yesterday but yesterday's dinner ended up as savoury mince crumble with broad beans and courgette, both from the garden, and some potatoes.
Have a great day, whatever you plan to do.
It's a lovely cool, bright morning although yesterday was a real mix - rain, sun, cloud, some wind, some humidity . . .
We had planned to go lavender picking but, after some very heavy rain, decided that it would be too damp so we went to the health food shop so I could top up with peanut butter (they sell it in big tubs and it is just ground peanuts with nothing else added. Lovely stuff!
Today I have no idea what we are doing. We might do the lavender today. We will see!
Today's food (I think)
B: bran flakes with sultanas, Natural yogurt with blueberries and grapes.
L: no idea
D: frittata with salad. I know that's what I said yesterday but yesterday's dinner ended up as savoury mince crumble with broad beans and courgette, both from the garden, and some potatoes.
Have a great day, whatever you plan to do.
Friday, 22 July 2016
Wednesday, 20 July 2016
Wednesday's garden and other bits and bobs.
Good morning, everyone. It's another warm morning, the windows are open and the fan is on. It's very quiet and peaceful right now and I realise yet again how much I love these early mornings.
I'm just in from meandering around the 'estate', dead-heading some flowers, picking out some side shoots, noting runner beans for picking and pulling a few weeds that dare to show their faces in the middle bed. All very satisfying in a small way.
I also took a few photos.
First of all the 'new' tomatoes. They are called Montello F1 and are a relatively new variety. Dad bought a couple of packets of seeds very cheaply, started the plants off and gave me three. The idea is to review them for the seed company.
I put them in pots as there was no room in the raised bed.
For a while I wasn't impressed. They were thin and weedy and looked as if they were never going to come to much. Dad found more or less the same so it wasn't poor gardening on my part. Over the last month, however, they have really come on. They're bush tomatoes (which does make them easier to look after) and now that they have started 'bushing' and flowering, I have hopes of a great harvest from them.
The other tomatoes continue to do well. The sungolds are shooting up and out and they all have at least four trusses on them. We now need some ripening to happen.
I only got one grafted tomato this year (the sungolds were plantlets from Dad) and I can't for the life of me remember the name. It is an Italian plum and is looking good.
Finally, the runner beans. The photos say it all! Yum yum! The self pollinating ones are more expensive but maybe it's worth it in terms of cropping.
I ended up spending all day in school yesterday and boy, was it hot!!! M asked me to sort out the reading book boxes and add the new books to the boxes and to the record sheet on the 'pool' as well as re-numbering all the books. I realised half way through the first box that this was going to take hours and hours. After consultation with M, I focused on the first three levels which is what they will need at the start of next year, and managed to get then done and finished before the end of the school day. The others can wait until September and I now have something to be getting on with while the totally new to schoolchildren are settling in.
When I got home, Beth had sent me a link to a bookmark made with scraps of left over strips of fabric. I took a look and had a go. It was different to the one in the link, I used the idea and my own method and materials and, for a first go, it's not bad, I think. It is stiffened with iron on interfacing and backed with a plain strip. A bit wobbly and I did miss the rotary cutter. I'm hoping the replacement blades turn up today.
I will make some more bookmarks and they can be sold cheaply on our next stall as they are quick and easy to make and use up bits and bobs.
What do you think?
I think a bit of fancy stitching would be good and really must explore the stitches the sewing machine can do. There aren't many, it is not that kind of machine, but there are some.
And finally, I turned up the hem of the little dress I am making and got that stitched so the dress is now finished. I want to make a little bag and a scrunchie to go with the dress and I shall make that this morning.
It may have been a very hot day yesterday but I still got a lot done!
Today I am at home. I need to sort out the house this morning and I'm seeing some friends in the afternoon.
Today's food.
B: oat bran galette with yogurt and fruit, melon
L: fresh fruit salad with yogurt
D: no idea yes.
I'm just in from meandering around the 'estate', dead-heading some flowers, picking out some side shoots, noting runner beans for picking and pulling a few weeds that dare to show their faces in the middle bed. All very satisfying in a small way.
I also took a few photos.
First of all the 'new' tomatoes. They are called Montello F1 and are a relatively new variety. Dad bought a couple of packets of seeds very cheaply, started the plants off and gave me three. The idea is to review them for the seed company.
I put them in pots as there was no room in the raised bed.
For a while I wasn't impressed. They were thin and weedy and looked as if they were never going to come to much. Dad found more or less the same so it wasn't poor gardening on my part. Over the last month, however, they have really come on. They're bush tomatoes (which does make them easier to look after) and now that they have started 'bushing' and flowering, I have hopes of a great harvest from them.
The other tomatoes continue to do well. The sungolds are shooting up and out and they all have at least four trusses on them. We now need some ripening to happen.
I only got one grafted tomato this year (the sungolds were plantlets from Dad) and I can't for the life of me remember the name. It is an Italian plum and is looking good.
Finally, the runner beans. The photos say it all! Yum yum! The self pollinating ones are more expensive but maybe it's worth it in terms of cropping.
I ended up spending all day in school yesterday and boy, was it hot!!! M asked me to sort out the reading book boxes and add the new books to the boxes and to the record sheet on the 'pool' as well as re-numbering all the books. I realised half way through the first box that this was going to take hours and hours. After consultation with M, I focused on the first three levels which is what they will need at the start of next year, and managed to get then done and finished before the end of the school day. The others can wait until September and I now have something to be getting on with while the totally new to schoolchildren are settling in.
When I got home, Beth had sent me a link to a bookmark made with scraps of left over strips of fabric. I took a look and had a go. It was different to the one in the link, I used the idea and my own method and materials and, for a first go, it's not bad, I think. It is stiffened with iron on interfacing and backed with a plain strip. A bit wobbly and I did miss the rotary cutter. I'm hoping the replacement blades turn up today.
I will make some more bookmarks and they can be sold cheaply on our next stall as they are quick and easy to make and use up bits and bobs.
What do you think?
I think a bit of fancy stitching would be good and really must explore the stitches the sewing machine can do. There aren't many, it is not that kind of machine, but there are some.
And finally, I turned up the hem of the little dress I am making and got that stitched so the dress is now finished. I want to make a little bag and a scrunchie to go with the dress and I shall make that this morning.
It may have been a very hot day yesterday but I still got a lot done!
Today I am at home. I need to sort out the house this morning and I'm seeing some friends in the afternoon.
Today's food.
B: oat bran galette with yogurt and fruit, melon
L: fresh fruit salad with yogurt
D: no idea yes.
Tuesday, 19 July 2016
What a scorcher it was yesterday. No need to ask where summer is any more. I stayed out of the sun and did my usual trick of opening the windows, closing the blinds and staying inside and it was nice and comfortable. It's jolly good not to have chilly toes any more, that's for sure!
I thought it was going to be a bad night in the heat but, with the ceiling and the floor standing fans on, it was OK and I slept well. I've been warned by the last two days and taking my anti-sneeze tablet before the sneezes start!
Yesterday was carpet cleaning day so, as soon as the cleaners arrived, I popped out, first to Hobbycraft to get the not-sylko and then on to Beth's for a drink (nice chilled sparkling water) and a good old natter. Jarmila had told me when the carpet should be dry (cheers for hot weather!) so by half twelve I was home, making bread and sewing away at the bag I am making for Mum.
The actual construction of the bag doesn't take all that much time but the cutting piecing and quilting does. I think I'm getting a little bit better at it now though. I worked carefully and stitched all the lose ends in rather than just snipping them so there's nothing that will just come undone. The bag is finished and I think it will be just what she asked for. I do hope she likes it.
I was right to leave the runner beans until yesterday. Several more had joined the three that were ready, enough to provide a small portion. There's more coming on that will be ready this evening. Cheers!
Today is the usual school in the morning day. I won't be hearing readers though, not today, as all the books have been collected it, but M will keep me busy all the same. I think I will be collating the new reading books, getting them stamped and typing them into the relevant record sheets for use next school year.
Then, in the afternoon, it is more stitching plus some washing and drying. Busy times!
Today's nosh plans
B: Oat bran galette with fruit and yogurt, melon
L: breaded chicken steak, salad, melon and strawberries
D: salmon, new pots, runner beans, broccoli, melon and strawberries
(I have fruit that needs using up!)
I thought it was going to be a bad night in the heat but, with the ceiling and the floor standing fans on, it was OK and I slept well. I've been warned by the last two days and taking my anti-sneeze tablet before the sneezes start!
Yesterday was carpet cleaning day so, as soon as the cleaners arrived, I popped out, first to Hobbycraft to get the not-sylko and then on to Beth's for a drink (nice chilled sparkling water) and a good old natter. Jarmila had told me when the carpet should be dry (cheers for hot weather!) so by half twelve I was home, making bread and sewing away at the bag I am making for Mum.
The actual construction of the bag doesn't take all that much time but the cutting piecing and quilting does. I think I'm getting a little bit better at it now though. I worked carefully and stitched all the lose ends in rather than just snipping them so there's nothing that will just come undone. The bag is finished and I think it will be just what she asked for. I do hope she likes it.
![]() |
Here it is! I should have stuffed it with tea towels or something before tanking the photo - it would've held shape better. |
I was right to leave the runner beans until yesterday. Several more had joined the three that were ready, enough to provide a small portion. There's more coming on that will be ready this evening. Cheers!
Today is the usual school in the morning day. I won't be hearing readers though, not today, as all the books have been collected it, but M will keep me busy all the same. I think I will be collating the new reading books, getting them stamped and typing them into the relevant record sheets for use next school year.
Then, in the afternoon, it is more stitching plus some washing and drying. Busy times!
Today's nosh plans
B: Oat bran galette with fruit and yogurt, melon
L: breaded chicken steak, salad, melon and strawberries
D: salmon, new pots, runner beans, broccoli, melon and strawberries
(I have fruit that needs using up!)
Monday, 18 July 2016
It's another delightfully sunny morning here in Essex after a warm night. I had the weirdest dream that I was back at a teacher training college (they don't exist any more, do they, they are all unis now) to take some sort of advanced teaching qualification and I was the oldest person in the world ever to have taken this course. There were all sorts of odd bits and bobs about my room that students could walk through and feeding a kitten - it was just all very strange indeed and I woke up thankful that it was a dream, only a dream.
My main activity yesterday was getting started on the knitting bag I am making for my mum. It's blue quilted patchwork and the lining will be white with little blue flowers on. A light lining makes the contents so much easier to spot. I had to cut all the pieces out with scissors which took a lot longer than using a rotary cutter, pieced them all together and layered the backing, wadding and patchwork (thank goodness for quilting glue!) before having to stop because I didn't have the shade of blue I needed for the machine quilting. That was a bit frustrating but maybe my eyes were getting tired by then anyway.
This is what it looks like at present, more or less, although I have done a bit of tacking round certain parts. The H shape along the sides and across the middle are the sides and bottom of the bag.
Today someone is coming to clean the downstairs carpet so I'm getting right out of the way. Hobbycraft first to get that sylko and then round to Beth's for a while.
Today's food plans
B: bran flakes and sultanas, apple
L: Camembert, oat cakes, salad, strawberries and yogurt
D: 2 chicken drumsticks in bbq sauce, runner beans, green beans or broccoli, fruit salad and yogurt
My main activity yesterday was getting started on the knitting bag I am making for my mum. It's blue quilted patchwork and the lining will be white with little blue flowers on. A light lining makes the contents so much easier to spot. I had to cut all the pieces out with scissors which took a lot longer than using a rotary cutter, pieced them all together and layered the backing, wadding and patchwork (thank goodness for quilting glue!) before having to stop because I didn't have the shade of blue I needed for the machine quilting. That was a bit frustrating but maybe my eyes were getting tired by then anyway.
This is what it looks like at present, more or less, although I have done a bit of tacking round certain parts. The H shape along the sides and across the middle are the sides and bottom of the bag.
Today someone is coming to clean the downstairs carpet so I'm getting right out of the way. Hobbycraft first to get that sylko and then round to Beth's for a while.
Today's food plans
B: bran flakes and sultanas, apple
L: Camembert, oat cakes, salad, strawberries and yogurt
D: 2 chicken drumsticks in bbq sauce, runner beans, green beans or broccoli, fruit salad and yogurt
In the end I didn't have the runner beans so I have them for tonight. Nice!
Sunday, 17 July 2016
Doh - how dopey can I get?
After going on about the reduced electricity use, I logged into my bank account yesterday as I usually do and saw that the electricity payment had gone out. I went into my document to log it as paid and thought 'Oh, it's gone up, why has it gone up?' It wasn't until I opened a letter which said it was refunding my credit for this year that I realised that the amount I thought was a debit was actually a credit.
As I said - doh!
Moving swiftly on, today looks like being a lovely summer day, just as yesterday turned out to be. Warm, sunny and with a gentle breeze that set the wind chimes singing from time to time. I've just given the plants their early drink and it feels lovely. Not warm but not cold either, just nice and fresh.
Unfortunately, I think the pollen count is high. After being outside my eyes are streaming and I've turned disgustingly drippy! Better take the tablet, quick!
Yesterday I finished the peg bag I have made to a customer order and tomorrow I will post it off. I adapted the one I made for myself that was the first bit of quilting I had ever done and I'm really pleased with it! I hope B is too.
Today I want to start on a quilted bag that my Mum asked us to make. It has to be wide enough to accommodate her longest knitting needles so it will be just over 15" wide and 4" deep and as for the height- well, we will see where the pattern takes me! I think I will make self-coloured handles rather than webbing handles and, as we have a lot of blue, that will be the colour. Plenty of lovely prints to chose from there.
Unfortunately, our rotary cutter is knackered. I have ordered replacement blades but I think it will be hand cutting using scissors which is more laborious and less straight but there you go! It's my fault. I ordered a scissor and knife sharpening stone because our scissors are also less sharp than I would like them to be. It's worked wonders on the scissors but when I tried it on the (already pretty blunt anyway, to be fair) rotary cutter the results were less than helpful!
I'm not sure if Beth is coming over. She and Al are both unwell with nasty 'summer' colds. I might have the day to myself again.
Today's food:
B: bran flakes with sultanas, apple
L: slice gala pie, salad, orange
D: flat iron steak, a few wedges, a side salad AND - two runner beans. Yes, two runners are ready to pick, just two. Nowhere near enough for a portion so I will probably have them as a sort of mini starter, just to celebrate the first picking of the year!
Have a lovely Sunday.
After going on about the reduced electricity use, I logged into my bank account yesterday as I usually do and saw that the electricity payment had gone out. I went into my document to log it as paid and thought 'Oh, it's gone up, why has it gone up?' It wasn't until I opened a letter which said it was refunding my credit for this year that I realised that the amount I thought was a debit was actually a credit.
As I said - doh!
Moving swiftly on, today looks like being a lovely summer day, just as yesterday turned out to be. Warm, sunny and with a gentle breeze that set the wind chimes singing from time to time. I've just given the plants their early drink and it feels lovely. Not warm but not cold either, just nice and fresh.
Unfortunately, I think the pollen count is high. After being outside my eyes are streaming and I've turned disgustingly drippy! Better take the tablet, quick!
Yesterday I finished the peg bag I have made to a customer order and tomorrow I will post it off. I adapted the one I made for myself that was the first bit of quilting I had ever done and I'm really pleased with it! I hope B is too.
Today I want to start on a quilted bag that my Mum asked us to make. It has to be wide enough to accommodate her longest knitting needles so it will be just over 15" wide and 4" deep and as for the height- well, we will see where the pattern takes me! I think I will make self-coloured handles rather than webbing handles and, as we have a lot of blue, that will be the colour. Plenty of lovely prints to chose from there.
Unfortunately, our rotary cutter is knackered. I have ordered replacement blades but I think it will be hand cutting using scissors which is more laborious and less straight but there you go! It's my fault. I ordered a scissor and knife sharpening stone because our scissors are also less sharp than I would like them to be. It's worked wonders on the scissors but when I tried it on the (already pretty blunt anyway, to be fair) rotary cutter the results were less than helpful!
I'm not sure if Beth is coming over. She and Al are both unwell with nasty 'summer' colds. I might have the day to myself again.
Today's food:
B: bran flakes with sultanas, apple
L: slice gala pie, salad, orange
D: flat iron steak, a few wedges, a side salad AND - two runner beans. Yes, two runners are ready to pick, just two. Nowhere near enough for a portion so I will probably have them as a sort of mini starter, just to celebrate the first picking of the year!
Have a lovely Sunday.
Saturday, 16 July 2016
Phew, what a week. I suppose in some ways it was nothing special but it has been a truly lovely week in those sweet and simple ways that make all the difference to my life nowadays.
In the morning, yesterday, I went to a one plan meeting and was so pleased and satisfied to see yet again that the SEN work that I strove so hard to develop in time gone by is in very, very safe, expert and creative hands. As a private tutor, my input was welcomed, appreciated and valued. Absolutely splendid.
Then Beth and I made that visit to And Sew On. To our delight there was a clearance sale on - a very good sale with fabrics at under half price. We just dived in (or should that be 'dove in') and had a whale of a time. What we bought has now been washed and ironed and is ready to use. Apart from the kitty stitches stuff, I got a length of fabric in a most dynamic print that will be perfect to make another skirt for me. I might get that done over the weekend.
In the afternoon, after Beth had gone, I had a wee snooze and then got on with the ironing and now I have an empty washing basket and an empty ironing basket, something that is happening increasingly frequently nowadays now my life is simpler.
I'm not usually pleased with an electricity bill but this one was the annual summary telling me I have used significantly less electricity this year. Good news, eh? I was thinking about why and while I must have used more electricity during the day, being at home more, this has been more than offset by the fact that I now dry almost everything outside on the line rather than bunging it all in the tumble dryer.
Today is an easy day, a lazy day, a pootle around and do what I fancy day. And to think that this time last year I was dreading retirement. I still feel a little bubble of irrational excitement to think that there's only one week of the term left to go, but it is just residual now. I have been very lucky to have a gradual withdrawal from something that I loved very much with the one day a week contract and the occasional supply but now I get my fix from the private tuition and live a happy and busy life doing other things I love doing as well. I am feeling better, mentally and physically, than I have for years.
Today's food.
B: natural yogurt, granola and soft fruit, orange
L: breaded chicken steak with salad, apple
D: pork curry, 40g basmati rice, yogurt and fruit
In the morning, yesterday, I went to a one plan meeting and was so pleased and satisfied to see yet again that the SEN work that I strove so hard to develop in time gone by is in very, very safe, expert and creative hands. As a private tutor, my input was welcomed, appreciated and valued. Absolutely splendid.
Then Beth and I made that visit to And Sew On. To our delight there was a clearance sale on - a very good sale with fabrics at under half price. We just dived in (or should that be 'dove in') and had a whale of a time. What we bought has now been washed and ironed and is ready to use. Apart from the kitty stitches stuff, I got a length of fabric in a most dynamic print that will be perfect to make another skirt for me. I might get that done over the weekend.
In the afternoon, after Beth had gone, I had a wee snooze and then got on with the ironing and now I have an empty washing basket and an empty ironing basket, something that is happening increasingly frequently nowadays now my life is simpler.
I'm not usually pleased with an electricity bill but this one was the annual summary telling me I have used significantly less electricity this year. Good news, eh? I was thinking about why and while I must have used more electricity during the day, being at home more, this has been more than offset by the fact that I now dry almost everything outside on the line rather than bunging it all in the tumble dryer.
Today is an easy day, a lazy day, a pootle around and do what I fancy day. And to think that this time last year I was dreading retirement. I still feel a little bubble of irrational excitement to think that there's only one week of the term left to go, but it is just residual now. I have been very lucky to have a gradual withdrawal from something that I loved very much with the one day a week contract and the occasional supply but now I get my fix from the private tuition and live a happy and busy life doing other things I love doing as well. I am feeling better, mentally and physically, than I have for years.
Today's food.
B: natural yogurt, granola and soft fruit, orange
L: breaded chicken steak with salad, apple
D: pork curry, 40g basmati rice, yogurt and fruit
Friday, 15 July 2016
Good morning! It is beautiful outside again today and my fingers are crossed that the weekend will be the same. It's not terribly warm yet but the bright sun cheers me so much.
After my rant on Tuesday, Joan sent a lovely, consoling comment and, in replying to that, wrote so much that I decided to copy it here.
"I did feel better, thanks, Joan and, to be fair, as Beth said later, they probably have a whole list of questions to ask those who are daft enough to state on the form that they had no professional advice (my Dad is better than any pro adviser, knows his onions, wants the very best for ME and doesn't expect to be paid!) and didn't contact Pensionwise (we read the booklet, Dad talked me through everything and there were no queries to contact them about).
It was still highly annoying though - and I still don't have the lump sum cash in my bank account. Grrrrrr"
Anyway, enough of that. The money will be with me at some point, I am sure, and, always the Pollyanna, aren't I lucky that I am not desperate for it?
Yesterday was great! The sun shone, the birds sang, the windows were open and I thoroughly enjoyed the crafting.
In the morning I finished the little sundress and am now just waiting on being told how long the customer wants it.
I did the planning for the tutorial session (I'm getting quicker at that now that I have some relevant templates on the computer).
I paid for the weaving weekend and booked a room in a Premier Inn that's not too far away and looks like an easy run to get to the weaving venue. A plus is that it's a fair bit cheaper than the B&B and I am sure of a certain degree of comfort. Outside noises don't bother me once my hearing aids are out so I'm happy with that. I've been naughty and booked a breakfast for the Sunday morning and lunch is provided on the course so the only meal I will need to think about is Saturday evening and I will probably take a packed meal with me for that. It's quite exciting really
I sorted out the problem with the computer (the left hand button on the mouse had failed so no wonder I was not able to do anything).
I went to school for my last reading session with that particular bunch of Y2s.
I taught. Last one of this school year.
And finally, I cut out and made the skirt. Admittedly, it is an easy pattern, elasticated waist (so no zip or waistband) and only a few seams, but I'm glad it was so quick and I shall wear it today!
On to today.
I have been invited to attend a One Plan meeting in school so I will do that first. Then Beth and I are finally off to And Sew On. After that we continue crafting. All good stuff.
Today's food:
B: overnight oats (I remembered to put them in to soak!) with yogurt, strawberries, raspberries and blueberries
L: tomato and egg bake.
D: salmon baked in honey and lemon, new potatoes, side salad
After my rant on Tuesday, Joan sent a lovely, consoling comment and, in replying to that, wrote so much that I decided to copy it here.
"I did feel better, thanks, Joan and, to be fair, as Beth said later, they probably have a whole list of questions to ask those who are daft enough to state on the form that they had no professional advice (my Dad is better than any pro adviser, knows his onions, wants the very best for ME and doesn't expect to be paid!) and didn't contact Pensionwise (we read the booklet, Dad talked me through everything and there were no queries to contact them about).
It was still highly annoying though - and I still don't have the lump sum cash in my bank account. Grrrrrr"
Anyway, enough of that. The money will be with me at some point, I am sure, and, always the Pollyanna, aren't I lucky that I am not desperate for it?
Yesterday was great! The sun shone, the birds sang, the windows were open and I thoroughly enjoyed the crafting.
In the morning I finished the little sundress and am now just waiting on being told how long the customer wants it.
I did the planning for the tutorial session (I'm getting quicker at that now that I have some relevant templates on the computer).
I paid for the weaving weekend and booked a room in a Premier Inn that's not too far away and looks like an easy run to get to the weaving venue. A plus is that it's a fair bit cheaper than the B&B and I am sure of a certain degree of comfort. Outside noises don't bother me once my hearing aids are out so I'm happy with that. I've been naughty and booked a breakfast for the Sunday morning and lunch is provided on the course so the only meal I will need to think about is Saturday evening and I will probably take a packed meal with me for that. It's quite exciting really
I sorted out the problem with the computer (the left hand button on the mouse had failed so no wonder I was not able to do anything).
I went to school for my last reading session with that particular bunch of Y2s.
I taught. Last one of this school year.
And finally, I cut out and made the skirt. Admittedly, it is an easy pattern, elasticated waist (so no zip or waistband) and only a few seams, but I'm glad it was so quick and I shall wear it today!
On to today.
I have been invited to attend a One Plan meeting in school so I will do that first. Then Beth and I are finally off to And Sew On. After that we continue crafting. All good stuff.
Today's food:
B: overnight oats (I remembered to put them in to soak!) with yogurt, strawberries, raspberries and blueberries
L: tomato and egg bake.
D: salmon baked in honey and lemon, new potatoes, side salad
Thursday, 14 July 2016
Good morning, everyone. It cheered up yesterday and by the evening it was gorgeous. It's sunny again now and should warm up later on, with any luck.
Beth and I crafted again yesterday. I got going on a dress for a six year old that someone has ordered from us and it's nearly finished now. Beth made Christmas bags and tree decorations. Then we sorted out everything from after the June Fair so it is now all in good order again.
Today Beth's not coming over so I shall use the morning to finish off that little dress and to do the planning for tutoring this evening - just one this week so that's not going to take too long at all. I might also get the skirt for myself started. This afternoon is the last read session with Y2 for the school year.
I've heard from Jo and there's room on the weaving course so I have whacked off the fee and put it in the diary. She sent details of a B&B close by but when I looked online that weekend was not available so I shall have to look around or commute. I might do that, actually, because it will be probably be cheaper than a B&B and it looks a fairly straightforward journey too.
Today's food plans:
B: oat bran galette, yogurt and soft fruit
L: corn on the cob, fruit
D: Jackburger, sweet potato fries, salad, fruit salad
Beth and I crafted again yesterday. I got going on a dress for a six year old that someone has ordered from us and it's nearly finished now. Beth made Christmas bags and tree decorations. Then we sorted out everything from after the June Fair so it is now all in good order again.
Today Beth's not coming over so I shall use the morning to finish off that little dress and to do the planning for tutoring this evening - just one this week so that's not going to take too long at all. I might also get the skirt for myself started. This afternoon is the last read session with Y2 for the school year.
I've heard from Jo and there's room on the weaving course so I have whacked off the fee and put it in the diary. She sent details of a B&B close by but when I looked online that weekend was not available so I shall have to look around or commute. I might do that, actually, because it will be probably be cheaper than a B&B and it looks a fairly straightforward journey too.
Today's food plans:
B: oat bran galette, yogurt and soft fruit
L: corn on the cob, fruit
D: Jackburger, sweet potato fries, salad, fruit salad
Wednesday, 13 July 2016
A rant.
It was going to be a reply to Joan's comment yesterday but it turned into a fully blown rant regarding that phone call to the Pru!
What really got up my nose was - well several things . . .
1. The phone call took over an hour and none of it was stuff that HAD to be transacted over the phone. An email would have done just as well or a letter. It was an attempt to push their own financial services when I just wanted to keep it simple!
And it was MY phone bill!
2. We got moved around from pillar to post and had to say the same thing several time to different people. Beth was remarkably patient and I thank her very much. The alternative would have been a visit and I'd very much have preferred not that.
3. Would they have queried my clearly stated (and correctly recorded on the right form) pension decisions had I been male, not female (no answer but both B and I thought not)?
4. They seemed to equate hard of hearing with lack of brain. I wanted to say 'I'm deaf, not thick!' but I didn't. Oh, the chains of common courtesy! At one point I thought I would scream if they asked Beth 'Does your mother understand . . .' once more, especially as I had discussed it all in considerable depth with my own financial adviser, aka Dad, in depth before making my decision.
5. And finally - a letter that could only be sent AFTER the phone call arrived yesterday but there's no sign of any lump sum in my account, confirmation of monthly amounts, etc. If they can do one, they can do the other!
If I HAD been considering investing some of my very hard earned lump sum cash with them, I doubt I would now, not without very strong financial incentive. I may have some dyscalculic tendencies but stupid I am not. Seriously not impressed.
The financial world doesn't seem to appreciate the issues created by a heating loss and seems reluctant to put into place alternatives. I've had the same from the bank when I have been contacted by phone even though it is clearly stated that I do not wish then to with the reasons why. Grrrrrrrrr
Rant over!
Yesterday didn't quite go as planned but it was good. After the reading time with the littlies, the last one of the school year as the books are all being collected in today, I went home to find Beth already at work. I got stuck in too and we decided that as the work was flowing, we would defer the visit to And Sew On until Friday when we would perhaps know better if we needed other stuff as well.
So we had the picnic lunch I had prepared earlier inside rather then outside the cafe and carried on working and by the end of the afternoon there was quite a pile of little bits and bobs, decorations, and so on, ready to stack away for the Christmas stall.
After Beth had gone I had a visit and by the end of it I had another pupil to tutor. Now that the supply has more or less dried up and there are no one day a week contracts, I can devote a bit more time to private tuition, three students looks very manageable to me and the cash will be very useful for Christmas things. I'm happy.
Today is a full craft day with no other commitments until the evening when I am off out to watch the year 5 and 6 Summer Show, A Midsummer Night's Dream'. I rootled around upstairs and found some more paper patterns to add to those I bought recently and I want to set to and make myself another summer skirt, just in case the weather ever turns consistently warm and sunny. You never know, it might, although, after monsoon conditions at times yesterday, it is still dull, damp and dismal this morning.
It's July, Mother Nature, where's the heatwave?
Today's food plans, which have been thoroughly messed around this week but never mind, are . . .
B: natural yogurt, strawberries, blueberries, raspberries and granola
L: hummus with crudites, mixed salad, orange
D: fish pie, green beans, fresh fruit salad with a dollop of yogurt
It was going to be a reply to Joan's comment yesterday but it turned into a fully blown rant regarding that phone call to the Pru!
What really got up my nose was - well several things . . .
1. The phone call took over an hour and none of it was stuff that HAD to be transacted over the phone. An email would have done just as well or a letter. It was an attempt to push their own financial services when I just wanted to keep it simple!
And it was MY phone bill!
2. We got moved around from pillar to post and had to say the same thing several time to different people. Beth was remarkably patient and I thank her very much. The alternative would have been a visit and I'd very much have preferred not that.
3. Would they have queried my clearly stated (and correctly recorded on the right form) pension decisions had I been male, not female (no answer but both B and I thought not)?
4. They seemed to equate hard of hearing with lack of brain. I wanted to say 'I'm deaf, not thick!' but I didn't. Oh, the chains of common courtesy! At one point I thought I would scream if they asked Beth 'Does your mother understand . . .' once more, especially as I had discussed it all in considerable depth with my own financial adviser, aka Dad, in depth before making my decision.
5. And finally - a letter that could only be sent AFTER the phone call arrived yesterday but there's no sign of any lump sum in my account, confirmation of monthly amounts, etc. If they can do one, they can do the other!
If I HAD been considering investing some of my very hard earned lump sum cash with them, I doubt I would now, not without very strong financial incentive. I may have some dyscalculic tendencies but stupid I am not. Seriously not impressed.
The financial world doesn't seem to appreciate the issues created by a heating loss and seems reluctant to put into place alternatives. I've had the same from the bank when I have been contacted by phone even though it is clearly stated that I do not wish then to with the reasons why. Grrrrrrrrr
Rant over!
Yesterday didn't quite go as planned but it was good. After the reading time with the littlies, the last one of the school year as the books are all being collected in today, I went home to find Beth already at work. I got stuck in too and we decided that as the work was flowing, we would defer the visit to And Sew On until Friday when we would perhaps know better if we needed other stuff as well.
So we had the picnic lunch I had prepared earlier inside rather then outside the cafe and carried on working and by the end of the afternoon there was quite a pile of little bits and bobs, decorations, and so on, ready to stack away for the Christmas stall.
After Beth had gone I had a visit and by the end of it I had another pupil to tutor. Now that the supply has more or less dried up and there are no one day a week contracts, I can devote a bit more time to private tuition, three students looks very manageable to me and the cash will be very useful for Christmas things. I'm happy.
Today is a full craft day with no other commitments until the evening when I am off out to watch the year 5 and 6 Summer Show, A Midsummer Night's Dream'. I rootled around upstairs and found some more paper patterns to add to those I bought recently and I want to set to and make myself another summer skirt, just in case the weather ever turns consistently warm and sunny. You never know, it might, although, after monsoon conditions at times yesterday, it is still dull, damp and dismal this morning.
It's July, Mother Nature, where's the heatwave?
Today's food plans, which have been thoroughly messed around this week but never mind, are . . .
B: natural yogurt, strawberries, blueberries, raspberries and granola
L: hummus with crudites, mixed salad, orange
D: fish pie, green beans, fresh fruit salad with a dollop of yogurt
Tuesday, 12 July 2016
Good morning, gentle readers. It's a quiet, still morning outside right now, quite a contrast to the breeziness of the last few days. I wonder if the sun will shine.
Yesterday was great, albeit a bit frustrating.
I got my bread made early - now that it is so mild, the rising and the proving takes much less time, which is helpful.
When Beth came round she helped me to make an important phone call. I find using the phone really tricky because of my hearing loss so it was great to have her help. It turned out to be a most frustrating experience. Without going into details, I was pretty cross by the end, especially and the whole thing took over an hour which is really going to push up my phone bill and most of it was totally unnecessary.
After a reviving coffee, Beth and I had a Kitty Stitches action meeting and more or less sorted out what we are going to make for our Christmas goodies!
Then we set off for And Sew On. The roads were good, no hold ups, and when we arrived e decided to have some lunch first (so crash went my food plans). I had a warm bacon baguette with a little salad and it was really tasty so no regrets. Then we decided to take a peek in all the other shops first, went to the garden shop and - closed, darn it. So was the next and, disaster of disasters, so was And Sew On. In fact, the only open place was the cafe.
That'll teach us to check opening times, won't it.
So we drove home again and sat down in front of the over-locker with the manual open and worked our way through the first part of it. My goodness, it seemed very complicated, especially the threading up, but we got there - at least, we got there with the basic stitch anyway. It really helped that each of the four spindles was threaded up in different colours so we could see exactly what each component did. I can see that it will be a most useful addition to our tools. We now have two machines and an over-locker. One machine was given to us (thank you, I) and the other two things are a result of 'lump sum' affluence! Well - I didn't have a posh holiday or a cruise or a mortgage to pay off so I reckon it was a good use of a bit of it. It keeps on giving.
We spent the rest of the afternoon recovering from the mental effort by cutting out cloth for little bags and scrunchies, using our leftover scraps of Christmas fabric. In the evening I sewed up six scrunchies that required the blue cotton that was on the machine and experimented with a simple little pinafore which looks fine but is just a bit on the short side but never mind.
I have to say, it is really nice to have the telly back to normal again. Back to Pointless and Eggheads. University Challenge and Only Connect are on again, three cheers, and then there was a poetically scientific prog from Brian Cox. Can't complain about that!
Today's food:
B: bran flakes, blueberries and raspberries, an apple
L: egg salad wrap, orange
D: tortilla pizza with a side salad, natural yogurt and strawberries
Yesterday was great, albeit a bit frustrating.
I got my bread made early - now that it is so mild, the rising and the proving takes much less time, which is helpful.
When Beth came round she helped me to make an important phone call. I find using the phone really tricky because of my hearing loss so it was great to have her help. It turned out to be a most frustrating experience. Without going into details, I was pretty cross by the end, especially and the whole thing took over an hour which is really going to push up my phone bill and most of it was totally unnecessary.
After a reviving coffee, Beth and I had a Kitty Stitches action meeting and more or less sorted out what we are going to make for our Christmas goodies!
Then we set off for And Sew On. The roads were good, no hold ups, and when we arrived e decided to have some lunch first (so crash went my food plans). I had a warm bacon baguette with a little salad and it was really tasty so no regrets. Then we decided to take a peek in all the other shops first, went to the garden shop and - closed, darn it. So was the next and, disaster of disasters, so was And Sew On. In fact, the only open place was the cafe.
That'll teach us to check opening times, won't it.
So we drove home again and sat down in front of the over-locker with the manual open and worked our way through the first part of it. My goodness, it seemed very complicated, especially the threading up, but we got there - at least, we got there with the basic stitch anyway. It really helped that each of the four spindles was threaded up in different colours so we could see exactly what each component did. I can see that it will be a most useful addition to our tools. We now have two machines and an over-locker. One machine was given to us (thank you, I) and the other two things are a result of 'lump sum' affluence! Well - I didn't have a posh holiday or a cruise or a mortgage to pay off so I reckon it was a good use of a bit of it. It keeps on giving.
We spent the rest of the afternoon recovering from the mental effort by cutting out cloth for little bags and scrunchies, using our leftover scraps of Christmas fabric. In the evening I sewed up six scrunchies that required the blue cotton that was on the machine and experimented with a simple little pinafore which looks fine but is just a bit on the short side but never mind.
I have to say, it is really nice to have the telly back to normal again. Back to Pointless and Eggheads. University Challenge and Only Connect are on again, three cheers, and then there was a poetically scientific prog from Brian Cox. Can't complain about that!
Today's food:
B: bran flakes, blueberries and raspberries, an apple
L: egg salad wrap, orange
D: tortilla pizza with a side salad, natural yogurt and strawberries
Monday, 11 July 2016
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Pretty fuchsia, overcrowded by the Japanese anemone, so it will have to be moved several inches right but not until after summer. |
Good morning, gentle readers. Monday yet again, and a new week. The sun has just started to shine and it is, right now, pleasantly cool but will warm up. The forecast is good and I think I will start the day's action by watering the bits of the garden that need watering regularly. I forgot to feed the tomatoes so that will have to be done as well. It's very essential now that the fruit is appearing.
Yesterday morning I popped to Lidl to see if they had bread flour but I really should have checked opening hours because they didn't open until eleven which is a right pain for someone who is generally up and about before seven! So I came home again and they lost a sale that day because by eleven Sonja had arrived. She loaded up her car with all the bits and bobs that were still at my house and off she went.
After lunch I settled down to watch Wimbledon and had the thrill of seeing Andy Murray win the men's final. It's been a good Wimbledon with excitements and thrills and superb tennis, not the least of which has been the wheelchair tennis which I have thoroughly enjoyed. I'm looking forward to that again next year.
Today is the first of our five craft days - Beth will be over after taking Al to school and I am looking forward to it very much indeed.
I have a batch of bread dough rising as I type - one loaf for my customer and one for Beth. It all makes very much more quickly when the environment is warm.
Something sad - my strawberries are just about over now. I cut up the last straggled remains for breakfast. I don't know whether they will send up new fruit but I intend to cut out the larger leaves and to remove all the runners in hopes. I have no idea whatsoever if that will work but fingers crossed, eh?
Today's food:
B: yogurt, fruit and granola, apple
L: egg mayo and salad, fruit
D: cod in batter, peas, sweet potato wedges, vanilla yogurt
Sunday, 10 July 2016
Sunday - garden update
Good morning!
Things are still growing like crazy!
Runner beans:
Tayberry (slow and steady, first fruit next year, fingers crossed)
Japanese anemone
Today's food:
B: bran flakes, sultanas, apple
L: feta and olive salad, orange
D: breaded chicken 'steak', salad, a few wedges, strawberry yogurt
Have a lovely Sunday!
Things are still growing like crazy!
Runner beans:
Tayberry (slow and steady, first fruit next year, fingers crossed)
Japanese anemone
Today's food:
B: bran flakes, sultanas, apple
L: feta and olive salad, orange
D: breaded chicken 'steak', salad, a few wedges, strawberry yogurt
Have a lovely Sunday!
Saturday, 9 July 2016
Good morning, everyone.
After an uncertain start yesterday, out came the sun and it was another really lovely day.
I had a lovely day too. Despite those slightly uncertain dreams the nigh before, I had a wonderful time at the willow weaving basketry course. It look me back to childhood when Mum made cane (REAL cane, plastic cane hadn't been invented) baskets with the church youth club. Maybe that helped yesterday, I don't know, but I was well pleased with what I produced, despite the many errors and points for improvement.
I finished the main weaving before the others so I had a go at a willow reindeer. I was following a pattern in a book and it was tricky but . . .
It was quite physical and I thought my hands would hurt today but, in fact, they are fine with just a slight 'feeling' in the wrists. Perhaps all that knitting and crochet has helped to strengthen my hands or, at least, kept them pliable.
I'm loving these opportunities to develop my crafting skills. It feels as if I have 'come home'. I would love more lessons in willow weaving but Jo (the tutor) isn't based in Essex.
Today I have nothing scheduled in the diary but there's some ironing to do and, of course, there's tennis! The weather is looking good at the moment.
Today's food:
B: oat bran galette, yogurt and fruit (blueberries and strawberries)
L: tuna salad, apple
D: Mince with veg mash topping, carrots, melon and yogurt
After an uncertain start yesterday, out came the sun and it was another really lovely day.
I had a lovely day too. Despite those slightly uncertain dreams the nigh before, I had a wonderful time at the willow weaving basketry course. It look me back to childhood when Mum made cane (REAL cane, plastic cane hadn't been invented) baskets with the church youth club. Maybe that helped yesterday, I don't know, but I was well pleased with what I produced, despite the many errors and points for improvement.
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How it started. |
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Half way through. |
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Basket! |
There you go! One reindeer, ready for Christmas!
It was quite physical and I thought my hands would hurt today but, in fact, they are fine with just a slight 'feeling' in the wrists. Perhaps all that knitting and crochet has helped to strengthen my hands or, at least, kept them pliable.
I'm loving these opportunities to develop my crafting skills. It feels as if I have 'come home'. I would love more lessons in willow weaving but Jo (the tutor) isn't based in Essex.
Today I have nothing scheduled in the diary but there's some ironing to do and, of course, there's tennis! The weather is looking good at the moment.
Today's food:
B: oat bran galette, yogurt and fruit (blueberries and strawberries)
L: tuna salad, apple
D: Mince with veg mash topping, carrots, melon and yogurt
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