Monday 11 April 2016


First of all, may I introduce the hoot of owls that Beth and I (mostly Beth, very little me) have been making.

Cute, aren't they?  Obviously others thought so too because all but one of the big ones will be flying off to their new homes very soon!  One little one is spoken for and the others will grace our June Fair table, if they're still around by then.

Yesterday was a nice day.  Not entirely lazy as I cooked a dinner for four and also have nearly finished the cushion cover.  I'm on the button hole band now and just have a few rows and some stitching to do.

I'm not sure it will get done today though as we're off to a quilt thingy at Hylands House.  Here's a link to what we are going to.

I have much to do before we leave so I set my alarm and, as a result, woke very early and couldn't get back to sleep again so got up.  I may try for another snooze soon.

Have a great day.


  1. I love the owls they are gorgeous

  2. The owls are brilliant - cute AND colourful!

  3. Thank you, ladies. I love them too. We're so pleased with the reaction.
    J x
