Tuesday 23 June 2015


Good morning, everyone.  It's stupid o'clock here but I have stuff to do and am hoping my brain is awake enough to do it! yesterday

After a lovely sunny day it didn't half rain late afternoon which meant I didn't need to water the garden.  It rained very hard so everything got a good soaking.

Apart from that, yesterday was just a normal day with no major ups and downs so there's nothing unusual to report.  Normal is pleasant but doesn't make for an interesting entry!

Anyway, as mentioned above, I have stuff to do so must sign off and get going!  Have a great day.


  1. So glad to hear it was a 'normal' day yesterday and hope your wrist is recovering well.
    Not 'stupid o'clock' though surely? :o) It is such a wonderful time of the day. :o) I, too, started work at shortly before 3am and have got so much done. I do agree it is difficult when one then has to go to work and stay up until the evening though - makes for a tired afternoon I find. I still wouldn't want to miss this lovely time though. :o)
    Have a great day and take care! S.xxx
    P.S. Meant to say what lovely photos you posted a couple of days ago.

  2. Thanks, Sonja, very kind of you. The early mornings are lovely, I agree.
    J x
