Thursday 7 August 2014


Good morning, everyone.  It is another gorgeous morning - sunny and cool - although the sky isn't a clear blue and I thing there's stuff on the way.  The weather forecast is not good for tomorrow in the south east and there's some 'serious weather' heading our way from the west over the weekend, especially Sunday, although the more sensible forecasts are not being too dramatic about it.  Heavy rain seems a certainty for both days.  Good for the garden which does need a substantial drenching, not so good for those on holiday.

After feeling grotty Tuesday afternoon, yesterday was much better.  I was a bit wobbly first thing but was fine to drive over to Billericay for lunch and a really good chat with my friend J.  J and I were colleagues at the same school until she retired several years ago now.  We had what could be described as an 'in depth' talk about retirement and she, of all my retired friends, seemed to understand my worries and concerns.  It was very helpful.

However, given that I'm excited about my move to year 2 and am looking forward to the challenges that this, and a new curriculum, will bring, I think it is fair to say I'm not ready to retire yet.  When I do, there are ways of staying in touch with education - private tuition is something to consider, as is offering to do supply, but not through an agency.

I like to take a little something for my hostess when I go out and yesterday I set too and made some lemon curd in Thermione.  It is so easy and so quick and always tastes wonderful and I think I will post the recipe in my other blog again.  I also took a picking of runner beans as I was pretty sure J doesn't have a vegetable garden.

When home again, I waited for S and M to arrive and we then enjoyed the first episode of the new Bake-Off together.  It's one of my favourite programmes.  It is gentle, friendly, interesting, exciting at times and just enjoyable from beginning to end!

Today should be a gentle day.  I am off out at around 10:15 to pick up a bag and some apples and then I want to make the green tomato chutney.  Yesterday I bought all the essentials - sugar, onions, vinegar and sultanas.  By tea time the house should be smelling spicy and 'warm' - I hope so anyway!

Right - off to water the tomatoes!  Enjoy the day.

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