I'm sitting here typing while my guests are getting ready to leave for a drive up to Yorkshire. It's been fun having them - safe journey to you both!

What I did do is make another batch of lemon curd as a gift for the lady who is dropping off the apples this morning. Barter is great! I also had the pulp left over from the lemon drink the day before and made a spread with that (and wished I hadn't later because S and M asked if I could make some more drink so now I have another batch of pulp to deal with).
S and M suggested pizza for dinner and, as we'd had a take away the night before, I said I'd make it. Now, pizza can be impressive but a doddle to make, it just takes time, so I had a great time preparing everything. We had it with a simple salad and the last half jar of the red onion marmalade (which is absolutely gorgeous now and I'm definitely making more, it is wonderful!).
I wouldn't say what I produced looked all that impressively cheffy but it tasted wonderful, even though I say it myself, the onion marmalade complemented it perfectly and the salad gave the impression of healthy eating! It's so nice to have a mix of tomatoes in a salad and when the black tomatoes are completely ripe, it will look even better. They are taking quite a long time to fully ripen so I hope they are worth the wait.
So - today is breadmaking as usual, preserving and ironing. I might do a spot of gardening too as there are some baby weeds showing their cheeky little heads and I want to zap them before they get to be a real problem.
But first it is bath, hair wash and get dressed before the apples arrive. Oh, I do love this holiday!
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