Sunday 2 June 2013


All gone now!

What a lovely, sunny morning.  It's going to be a goody today and I'm hoping it will last the week out because our year 6 children are off for their week's residential trip tomorrow and some good weather for them would be perfect.

George came yesterday and I set him to dealing with my rosemary bush which has totally outgrown its place, spread out so that it blocks the pathway and is just way, way too big.  As we looked at it, we could see that there was growth coming up from the old wood in the middle, so we left that in place so it's now quite a small bush but on very old wood.  We will see if that answers or whether the whole thing will need to come out.  I hope not but if it does, it does.  I've taken some cuttings, just in case.

As well as that he cleared some primulas, moving some round the front so they should look pretty good next year and giving me space for my new herbs - oregano and thyme - and the usual weekly stuff so it all looks quite nice and orderly now.  Thanks, George.

Sadly, the rest of the day degenerated into a bit of an eating orgy, for which I am now suffering the consequences, but never mind.

Moving on - Beth and Alex are round for lunch and I am making a roasted tomato and lentil soup which should fill any gaps.  I'd better go and put the chopped tomatoes on to roast, hadn't I?

Back to school tomorrow!

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