Friday 4 October 2019


Good morning, everyone.  Friday again - it comes around so quickly, doesn't it?  It's dry at the moment but we have had overnight rain and, according to the BBC, there is likely to be more, starting more or less as I get into the car and drive off.  Great timing!!!

It was a fairly busy day yesterday but not as bust as it might have been because the windows quote thing was changed and will now happen after the holiday.  A bit of a pain but there you go.  I'll take some time to set up a few more visits and quotes while I'm away.  I'd cancelled aqua so couldn't go to that instead but I was grateful for the extra time and got all but the very last minute things done and dusted which was nice.  I fitted in a bit of salsacise so that was my 'daily dozen' done!

At SW I was delighted to lose two pounds.  I'm in new weight territory again now and with just nine pounds to go.  I can see the finishing tape ahead!  Exciting!

Today will be a day of three halves (!).

I have some last minute stuff to do, including changing my sheets so I come home to nice clean bedding.  I can get them washed and dried and my house sitter has said she will iron them.  There's also loading of the car which is always a bit of a juggling act although I know how it all fits in.  It's not a question of space, it's ensuring everything is secure and won't move around too much.

Then it's the journey. 

Finally it's the unpacking and getting settled in for the week.  Once everything is unpacked and away, I might go for a swim or I might go for a walk; I'll decide that when I get there.

I hope you have a lovely day too.  xx


  1. Safe journey and I hope your place is lovely and all you expect. Have a wonderful time and take some nice photos so we can all share.

    1. Thanks, Diane. You can be sure I will. :-)

  2. Congratulations on the loss, you're heading in the right direction again. That should put you in good spirits for your holiday adventure ... hope the weather stays kind to you and that you have a fantastic time. xx

    1. Thanks, Eileen, I was so pleased as you can imagine.

  3. Well done of the weight loss. Hope your holiday is wonderful. xx

    1. Hello and thanks very much. I'm very much looking forward to it. :-)

  4. Have a wonderful holiday! Excited to see your photos!

    1. I think it's going to be great! Thanks, Debbie - you have a lovely week too.
