Wednesday 30 October 2019


Good morning, everyone.  It was another lovely day yesterday with plenty of sunshine, just perfect for a long(er) walk to the shops in between cake making!

First of all, Marlene, if you read this, I'm sending lots of love and want you to know that I will miss your blog very much.  Many hugs in your direction and may you be happy.

Well, I had a go at the 'healthy' cake for the taster evening tomorrow.  I've banged on about it in the other blog but, suffice it to say, no!  Just don't.  It wasn't nice!  I'm afraid it saw the inside of the bin!

After getting over that disappointment, I gave the fruit soaking in alcohol for the Christmas cake, sent Beth a message, got a reply and set to to make my first ever Christmas cake!  OK, not as grand as it sounds as it's a Delia recipe so hardly any kind of culinary risk but all my adult life Mum has been the one to make the family cake and then Beth took over when Christmas shifted to my house.

It was a mess-creating situation but great fun and highly successful.  It took four and a half hours to cook and in that time the house became warm, spicy and plummy.  Such a shame one can't bottle that aroma as it's the most Christmassy scent there ever was.
It's now well wrapped and in a tin and later on in the week it will get its first feeding of cointreau.  Mmmmmmmm.

In the evening, Alison arrived so I picked her up from the station and we chatted and chatted until I almost fell asleep.

Today is a busy day.  A shame when I have a visitor but we know each other well enough not to have to so 'special'.
Jeff's coming at eight to do a general garden tidy up and then we have some more chatting time until I need to go off to Lindsey's for my PT.  Alison says she'd like to pop into town during the day.
In the afternoon, the lovely Sharon is turning up to do Beth and my hair - I'm feeling very shaggy dog so it will be a relief to get it sorted, it really will.

That's it for the day so, although there's 'stuff', we'll still have plenty of time to chat and to sort out what we'd like to do tomorrow when we might take a train into London.  For someone living so close to one of the great cities of the works, I really don't make enough use of it.  In fact, I don't go at all which is a shame and something I ought to remedy, especially with a bus pass and a disabled person's railcard to ease the financial load.
Fingers crossed for the weather.

So that's my day and it should be a good'un!  I hope yours is too.  xx


  1. Sounds a lovely, busy but also chatty day. We used to live in Middlesex, West London (we come from there) but hardly ever went into London was just too busy and big for us. xx

    1. Generally it's too big and busy and noisy for me too but there's a lot of interesting things there. I used to lived in South London (Forest Hill/Sydenham way); in fact both my Children are officially Cockneys because theywb ere born within the sound of Bow Bells. I wouldn;t go back there to live though, even if I could afford it.

  2. Sorry to hear about the cake but some things just need to be made with fattening ingredients. Have fun with your friend and enjoy your day.

    1. They do, don't they? Thankfully, the Christmas cake looks like being a success. That's the important thing.

  3. How far are you from London

    1. Mid Essex so really not far by tain.

  4. Yum - the christmas cake sounds lovely. If you could bottle that smell you'd make a mint. I wonder if they make candles with that smell lol.

  5. I love visiting London and wish I lived closer to make visits cheaper and easier. I wouldn't want to live there though, and I'm always happy to get back home.

    1. Yes, me too. I'd not like to live in London.
