Wednesday 23 October 2019


Good morning.  It was a nice day yesterday and it looks as if today is going to be pretty pleasant as well, as far as you can tell at this time of the day.

Yesterday was a 'funny' old day.  The double glazing man came round as arranged, with paperwork to sign and stuff to go through.  I'm self funding but he still had to go through all the 'your loan is safe' sort of stuff with me.  Rules, said he.
So sheets were printed out, signed, a deposit was actioned and the date for a survey arrainged.
So now, in April next year (that's when I want it to happen), I will have
new upstairs windows
a new front door
a new garage door
new guttering and fascias front and back

It's taking a chunk out of my savings, of course, but well worth it.  Now I must work to build them back up again.

I cancelled aqua as the meeting went on longer than expected and went for a walk instead.  Tuition was, as always, fine and I have decided not to offer sessions next week during half term.

Today, for the first time in months, I overslept.  I didn't wake until just after seven which is most unusual and a bit annoying as I'm waiting for Matt the Plumber to come round and had left the kitchen in a bit of a mess, thinking I'd have time this morning.  SO it's been a rush.

And here he is!

I'm having new thermostats downstairs and he's just checking things out as the radiators can be slow to come on.  He's also dealing with a 'strange noise' and putting the grab rails back up in the new bathroom, now I know where I want them to go.

I'd better go, seeing as Matt is here.  Have a good day!  xx


  1. I hope Matt is nice and helpful. I have to admit sometimes I am planning murder by lunchtime with plumbers! xx

    1. Matt is brilliant. I've never known him do a less than excellent job. I dread the day he decides to retire and I have to find someone else. He's not cheap but he's the best!
      (I taught his daughter in year one, many years ago)

  2. Everyone needs a Matt - luckily for the moment DH is my Matt for most things. We had all new fascias and gutters a couple of years ago and they did smarten the house up a lot as we had wood previously but it had started to rot being 30 years old. I did feel bad having plastic fascias and barge boards rather than replacing with wood but know that DH will soon be well passed getting up a ladder to paint them. Have a lovely day. Forgot to mention I love your new header photo - it reminds me of somewhere here in Scotland.

    1. I agree. Matts are essential. I'm very fortunate to have a small collection of 'men wot does' (it is almost always men still) to make my solo life a little easier.
      (read into that what you will but it is totally innocent, OK!!!)

  3. I had mine changed a couple of years ago. My house is only 16 years old but the fascias etc were rotten already so I went for the low maintenance plastic
    option and haven't regretted my decision.

    I hope he's successful in sorting out your radiators. I changed mine to a portable WiFi thermostat so I can always make sure the room I'm in is at the correct temperature.

    1. He seems to have sorted it fine. They're coming on now and getting hot. Lovely.
      It's definitely a blessing to have low maintenance as much as you possibly can, isn't it?

  4. sounds like a busy day! We're slowing working on getting our windows replaced and I can definitely tell the difference. Our heating costs have gone down.

    1. That's definitely an advantage, for sure. It's not cheap nowadays, staying warm.

  5. I am sure it will be money well spent.

    1. Dad always says the best investment is your home and I agree. Yes, it's worth it, thanks, Barbara.

  6. Good idea to make your plans now so there is plenty of time to put money aside for the repairs. There's always something that needs doing in owning a house. My list is long and not growing any smaller!

    1. There is always something although my list is a little shorter now, having sorted out the radiators and the leaks and having started off the process to sort out the outside of the building more extensively.
      I know I already had the money saved but I do want to build up the savings again now; it's helpful to have definite targets in ones life.
