Tuesday 22 October 2019

Tuesday and another cake.

Good morning!  It really wasn't very nice yesterday, was it.  Bleak, wet and windy - but not that cold, thankfully.

After a cakey weekend, Beth and I decided to carry on the theme by planning for making the Christmas cake.  It's a family tradition that Beth makes it and I buy all the ingredients.  So we went online and dug out Delia's classic recipe which we only change by using cointreau instead of brandy for the alcohol (so lovely).

 So, in a few days' time, there will be a big bowl of dried fruits soaking in aftrementioned alcohol, making my kitchen smell simply wonderful.

Delia puts nuts on hers but we go the whole hog with marzipan and icing so I need to have a think about how I want it decorated.  Google, here I come.

Yesterday was quite busy.
First of all, Beth and the Everest man arrived more or less at the same time and for the next two and a half hours we talked about new windows, doors, guttering and fascias and new garage door, glass patterns and door styles.   I now have all the info I need and have made a decision as to who will replace my windows, front door, garage door, guttering and fascias.  It's very nice to feel that things are starting to move at last.

After a quickly made lunch of tomato and lentil soup (thank you, Thermione), Ray (from Hire a Hummy - silly name but . . .) turned up and, hopefully, not the leak in my bedroom and a problem with the front door has been patched up and will keep out damp until the replacements are put in.
 I have to defer complete judgement until after I get the bill, emailed to me today to be paid by internet but, assuming it's reasonable, I think I have found a 'handyman' source to replace the previous one who is now too busy with big projects to undertake little maintainence things.

And then tuition . . .

All go, innit, as we say in Essex!

So, a good day, all in all.  However, I still have a bit of a 'low' feeling which is connected with the fact that it was - or would have been - Mum's birthday on Saturday.  I guess it can take quite a long time for this sort of thing to work through and I'm sure it will lift at some point.

Today, in contrast, is a dead easy day.  I have aqua booked for midday and I might take a stroll around the shops too.  Today's tuition is all planned and ready.  And that's that.  I might do some housework or I might just have some R&R.  I'm so lucky to have that option!
Have a great day.  xx


  1. I love Christmas cake but very few family members do, so we tend to buy a little one. Or just go for a luxury Christmas pudding that I cut up into portions and freeze. Looking forward to seeing the finished article.

    1. It's a sort of family tra dition and gets shared around. SOme for my brither, sone for Dad, some for Beth, some for Dave, some for me and Alex might want to take some back to uni. That way, no-one has a very large share.
      They do freeze well too.

  2. It's a year of 'firsts' so it's understandable that your mum's birthday has affected you. I can't really offer any advice except to assure you that it does get easier.

    I no longer make a Christmas cake since losing Ced. He was the cake eater and I prefer something lighter. I do miss all the Christmas preparations though.

    1. I'm sure it does and thank you for your understanding and advice.
      It is, to a considerable degree, the preparations that make for memorable Christmases, I think. Hopefully, you can make some new memories this year and in the years to come.

  3. Like Eileen said, the first birthday will be sad but I hope you are comforted by good memories from past years as well. I haven't lost anyone so close yet so I have nothing useful to say I'm afraid, but sending hugs and thinking of you and your Dad too.

    1. Thank you, Chrissie. That's so kind.

  4. I still make a cake - it never lasts very long here. It will be a sad day on your mum's birthday but full of wonderful memories too. x

    1. IT was rather sad but these times have to be faced and wrked through, I guess. Dad's coming here this weekend so, if he wants, we can talk about it.

  5. Joy, will you take a pic of your Christmas cake when it is finished? I've read about Christmas cakes in the Miss Read books and I would love to see yours and how you decorate it! Maybe I'll try an "American" Christmas cake this year for fun!

    1. I will, Debbie.
      Basically, it is just a rich fruit cake that's then decorated. There's different ways of decorating but traditionally, after 'feeding' the cake for several weeks (dripping alcohol over it), you then firstly cover it with marzipan and then with royal icing.
      It's very rich and you don't want much as a time!

  6. Delia's Christmas cake has always been a favourite of mine, apart from the black treacle, which I now leave out but do add a tblsp of walnut oil. Replacing the brandy with Cointreau is such a good idea, why did I never think of it??? I love the way you and Beth are creating it together.

    These memorable dates do bring the grieving right out again but it will ease in time and in future they'll be joining the 'sweet' memories.

    Good that your Dad is coming to you this weekend and you can talk it out with him, if, as you say he wants to. I am sure the sorrow will be lightened with that other birthday to celebrate on Saturday!! Have fun Beth!

    1. Interesting that you leave out the treacle and I like the idea of walnut oil - I have some in the cupboard. None of us are all that fond of brandy (although we like the flavour it imparts to the cake) but we just love cointreau!
      The soaking is now started. The recipe says 24 hours; Beth prefers a week!!!
