Monday 21 October 2019

Monday - two cakes

Good morning.

The morning went well, Lindsey may have raised over £700 for Kids Inspire (rough calculation, may be more), Beth sold some stuff and both my cakes were eaten, slice by slice, with some nice comments.

As they went well, here's the two recipes

The cinnamon apple cake.

I hope this links works for you - it should take you straight to the 'print' page as the main page is another one that goes all round the houses before you find what you actually want!  All the advertising seems to be very much a 'thing' nowadays but I find it annoying!
The only thing I changed was that I added a bit of cinnamon to the cake batter as well as to the topping so it turned a sludgy brown.  Next time I'll not do that.
It was extremely easy to make.
The texture was soft and it really was delicious.

The coffee and walnut cake

(Apologies for the cling film- I didn't want it to dry out and didn't notice it when I took the photo!)

This went down a real treat.  I kept hearing really good comments about it!  Nice.

The only thing I changed was that I made the coffee in my cafetiere, double strength (and I usually have it pretty strong).
It's basically a 4-4-2-4 mixture but, because of the added coffee liquid, it wasn't quite as light and fluffy as it would have been if I'd added coffee powder (not granules) and I might try that next time and see.

Anyway, there you go - two cakes that worked really well and when I bake for the Christmas Fair, I may very well make them again!


  1. Coffee and walnut is one of my favourites another is lemon drizzle but I don't make cake as we would eat them and we dont need the extra calories.

    1. Exactly so. I might break that over Christmas though, instead of buying cake! :-)

  2. That's a wonderful amount raised Joy and i bet it was great hearing all the compliments too

  3. It sounds like a good time and the added bonus of a large sum of money raised for a good cause. A shame the cake isn't SW friendly though!

    1. I don't think 'cake' and 'slimming world' can safely inhabit the same universe, to be honest. It would cause a rift in all of time and space and the Tardis wouold explode!

    2. Fair enough! We can't risk the TARDIS exploding .... unless it somehow brings David Tennant back as the Doctor 😚

    3. Or Chris Ecclestone! :-)

  4. Well done that is a brilliant amount of money. I'm definitely going to try the coffee and walnut cake xx

  5. A brilliant amount of money, well done. Those cakes look delicious, especially that Coffee and Walnut one!!

    1. THanks, Sue. It seems people were especially nice about that one. I didn't hear it all as I was with Beth on her stall.
