Sunday 27 October 2019


Morning, everyone.  After the horrible weather on Saturday, yesterday was beautifully sunny.  Quite chilly, but that was OK.  Today's supposed to be nice too - bring it on.  It's jolly chilly right now though and I wouldn't be the least bit surprised if it's frosty out there!  The heating is working its usual magic.

It was a lovely day yesterday.  Dave came round to have Sunday dinner with Dad and me and we all had a jolly good talk about all sorts of things while we scoffed roast lamb (a real treat), etc.  Once they had left, I read, watched TV and did some ironing and made a fool of myself with the balance ball.  It's harder than one would think.

Today feels like a holiday.  It's the first day of the half term break for schools around here and my diary is blank.  No tuition this week, I have decided.  I went online and booked a Heart and Sole walk around an area of town I don't really know for this morning so that will be good.  It starts and finishes outside Asda so I'll pop in and look at things in there before heading home for lunch.
In the afternoon, I'll probably do some recipe hunting, plan some Christmas stuff and generally just take things nice and easy.  I might go out for another walk, depending on how I feel or I might pop down to a couple of garden centres and take a look around.  Or there's the garden which always needs a bit of tidying up and I have some bulbs to pop in.

I know people shudder at the thought of mentioning Christmas so early but, for me, all the planning and prepping are part of the fun and I wouldn't change it for the world.  Looking around the displays and decorations is a pleasure that never palls and a feast for the eyes.  Very cheering!
Also, the family Christmas arrangements seem to be sorting themselves out quite nicely.  It won't be the same because everyone has other people to celebrate, not just me, but things are working out well.

I doubt I will ever completely lose that 'it's holiday' feeling at the start of each school break.  I hope not, anyway, it is so lovely.  It lifts the spirits and creates a sense of freedom and gratitude in my heart.
Here's to a happy day for us all.  xx


  1. Enjoy your 'week off', Joy! You're doing so well with all this exercise....does it get easier the more you do it? xx

    1. Yes, I really think it does. I've got to the point where I expect to do something every single day, more or less. I walk loads more than I did and I buzz around the house more energetically. It all helps. The swimming has tailed off rather now the weather is not so great, but I still get things organised to suit me.

  2. Have a lovey time with your holiday feeling.

    1. < grin > I think I can promise you I will.

  3. I think I will also live to an academic year whether I'm teaching or not. I have that holiday feeling as well ... a lovely feeling isn't it?

    1. that should say 'always' not 'also'!

    2. It truly is. One of the long lasting benefits, along with a reasonable pension!
