Saturday 26 October 2019


Hi, everyone.   Yesterday was an OK weather day.  Not a lot of sun but it was dry and quite mild - no need for a coat when I went out.  Today doesn't look like being so good.  Loads and loads of very heavy rain, according to the Beeb.

Yesterday morning was good, thank you for all the good wishes for it.
I started off in Sainsbury's, noticing that clothes were 25% off - always a good thing!  I didn't get much as I really don't need much this year but I did get some slippers as mine are getting a bit worn.  I wear slippers mostly inside at this time of year and they're not made to last!  I got myself a warmer dressing gown because the one I have is about six sizes too big now and that's just too much.  Finally, I got a Christmas jumper.  It's bright and sparkly and just what I was looking for.  There was another one I really liked but there were none in my size - that's the other side of being the size I am, they go quickly in that size.  However, naughty me, I might go online and see if they have the nice one there.

I also did the food shopping and treated me and Dad (who will be here this weekend) to a small lamb leg joint.  Fingers crossed there's enough as I've asked Dave and Anna over.

And I treated my car to a wash from the company in the car park.  It looks loads nicer now although that won't last for long.  She's now also topped up with petrol so she's good for another month or so.

I head off to Wyvale and found that it now has another name - Longacres.  The Christmas decorations were up so I had a browse around and found a replacement for my wooden, electric, Scandi style seven candle holder thingy that finally fell apart last year after decades of use so I had to chuck it.  This one is red which works well for me as my Christmas colours are red, gold and green.  Old fashioned?  Moi?
I also found a wooden plaque thingy that said 'Retired, happy and spending the kids' inheritance" which made me laugh so in the trolley it went.  I'm not sure where to hang it but it has to be where the kids will see it!
Superficially, it looked more or less the same although they didn't have the wide range of very posh Christmas trees that Wyvale used to have.  There were loads of tree decorations but none that grabbed me by the throat and hissed 'You NEED me'.  I have so many tree decorations now that they have to be overwhelmingly amazing in some way for me to buy!

Finally, I stopped off at Hobbycraft but all I got there were some card mounts as Beth is nearly out of them - a little gift for her!

I was shattered by the time I got home but it was a good morning.  I'm glad I had pre-made the soup!

The rest of the day was pretty lazy although I had ordered one of those exercise balance ball thingies from Amazon and that arrived so I spent a few calories pumping it up using the foot pump provided.  Now I need to make sure I use it!  YouTube, here I come!

(Anyone know what's happened to Zoe Ball?  She's not been on It Takes Two all week)

Today, I have slept in.  It must be all that shopping!  Thankfully, nothing was booked, I have no commitments until Dad arrives later on this morning, so a lie is is not any kind of problem.  I will potter and tidy up a bit, make our lunch and generally take life easy.

Today is Beth's birthday and she's coming over for dinner this evening.  I've got her the new Margaret Attwood that she's been longing for so I guess I won't then see much of her for a few days!

And that's it.  A happy yesterday and, hopefully, a happy today as well.  Hope yours is too!  xx


  1. Happy Birthday to Beth and have a wonderful family celebration!

    1. Thanks - It will be a pleasant evening, I'm sure.

  2. Happy birthday to Beth, hope you have a lovely weekend with your Dad and kids. Hope the kids like the plaque as much as you do! Should make them laugh, at any rate.

    I assume Wyevale has been taken over, our Wyevale suddenly changed over to a company called Blue Diamond....superficially it seems the same, but on closer inspection it's not, this new company seems more gift and 'stuff' oriented than garden related. And expensive stuff at that! (not that Wyevale was ever cheap). xx

    1. Wyvale wasn't cheap. The plants were very good though. It's hard to tell at this time of the year if the new place will be as good for plants. If not, there are at least three other good garden centres I can think of off the top of my head so I doubt the garden will suffer. :-)

  3. Happy Birthday to Beth.

    Snap! ... my Christmas colours are red, gold and green. We did try a different scheme one year but it just wasn't the same so we stuck to the 'proper' colours after that.

    Hope you have a good weekend with your family. xx

    1. I do like the blue/silver style but it seems more 'winter' than 'festive'. I need something warm and bright for my Christmas decor! Well, maybe not 'need', but certainly want!

  4. Zoe Ball said the other morning that she had taken the week off It Takes Two as it was half term and she wanted to spend some time with her family xx

    1. Ah ha. Thanks, Hazel. Fair enough - it's nice that she can (and I mean that, I'm not being sarcastic).

  5. The "nearest" Wyevale to me (as in 20+ miles away) became a Dobbies last year it looked the same as before.
    Hope you've had a good family day and stayed dry this afternoon after the rain arrived.

    1. I'd have liked it to become a Dobbies.
      It's been a good day, thanks very much.
