Friday 25 October 2019


Good morning, everyone.  We had horrible weather here yesterday most of the day.  Lashing rain but not cold, thank goodness.  I felt for the teachers - trying to sort things out before half term and the children getting more and more restless.  Not fun.

Yesterday went well.  I got Dad's room ready for the weekend and pottered around clearing and tidying.  Beth came round and had lunch and dinner here which was nice, before we went off to pottery.

I was really pleased with the way my two bowls turned out. 

 I shall use this with the advent candle I treated myself to at Hyde Hall - another personal tradition.
 I think it looks nice - nicer than in the photo.

When advent is over, I will use it for a square candle over Christmas.  I always have lots of Christmas candles.

The pasta/tapas bowl also turned out nicely although I thought the glaze inside would be lighter, more sort of oatmeal-ish instead of the mushroom colour it has turned out to be.  What I am pleased with is the transition from the lighter to the darker glaze - it's neater than I thought it might be.

I might use it for my soup at lunchtime!

This is what I started.  It's hard to tell and the photo isn't great but the centre dips in and the sides curve out.  I've just left it to dry out and will neaten and smooth bits off at the next session. 

I also started a tea light holder and have brought it home, carefully wrapped in wet J cloth and cling film, together with a lump of clay, so I can get on with it at home.  There's no pottery next week, you see, as it's half term.

Today I have absolutely nothing in the diary.  Well, that's not quite true as it's cleaners day, but that's all.  I feel as if I have a gift of a day to have fun in.

I've just done what is turning out to be a simple highlight of each day and that's stirring the Christmas cake fruit and the fat free mincemeat, both of which smell fabulous.  The latter is now ready to go into the freezer but I might be very naughty and have a little mixed in some yogurt as it's really delicious.

Also, I started early and have a rather delicious smelling roasted butternut squash and red pepper soup (partly using leftovers) ready for lunch.  The peppers (with onion and tomato) were already cooked.  I roasted a bit of squash in the actifry, then popped the lot into Thermione with some garlic granules, stock, water and seasonings.  After a short boil and a good blend, I added some milk and a dollop of ricotta and zizzed it again.  I'm lookin forward to my lunch today!

So - what shall I do?  Well, I gather Sainsbury's has their Christmas clothes in so I think I will take a look there and also do my weekend shopping at the same time.  Then I might go to Wyvale as it's not far down the road from Sainsbury's and I have heard that it will be closing which is extremely sad as it's such a lovely shop and garden centre and their Christmas decorations are to die for, they really are!

I might then drive over to Hobbycraft and just have a lovely time wandering around there.  There's nothing I actually need but you never know . . .

Goodness, what self indulgent plans!  I guess it's going to be a lovely day!  I hope yours is too.  xx


  1. I absolutely love your pottery, Joy, all your things are beautiful. Your day browsing (or possibly buying!) sounds perfect - we all need a bit of self indulgence occasionally! xx

  2. Lovely pottery and how nice to have a self indulgent day and why not!

  3. I love your pottery. Have a lovely day, your plans sound perfect. xx

  4. As the others have said the candle tray and bowl are gorgeous and the new one is shaping up to be the same - you must be so pleased to be producing such pretty and practical things. Enjoy your indulgent day.

  5. The pottery turned out really well, enjoy the soup!!

  6. The pottery is lovely, especially the candle holder. I like the Advent candle as well.

    I hope you enjoy your indulgent day in style!

  7. Your pottery sets off the candle beautifully - they were made for each other. Have a lovely day it's nice to have a wander around not actually going for anything in particular, you never know what you might find. x

  8. Thank you, everyone, for the lovely comments. It does give me a good deal of pleasure to be making things I can use one way or another. We're going to book next term's classes this coming week.
