Monday 5 November 2018

More Monday

Hello again!  I'm home and waiting for the kettle to boil.  :-)

I was thinking (a rare event!!) and realised that it is a year ago to the day when I was discharged from hospital after my cardiac-which-turned-out-to-be-gallbladder scare.  Since then there have been ups and downs, there've been family illnesses and heartbreaks but for me, despite the discomfort in the first part of the year, it's been a positive time.  I am now minus a gall bladder and am five stone lighter, all but two or three pounds.  I have a new collection of clothes and more or less a new life.  I'm fitter, healthier and much more outgoing than I was.

Week by week you hardly notice it but taking the longer term can make you realise how much things have moved on.

I'm pleased!

Yesterday was very busy.  I did washing, ironing, made meals for the freezer, did some sorting and tidying and generally kept active all day which, I hope, fingers crossed, will slightly compensate for the liquorice allsorts that kept jumping into my mouth.  Oh, dear, never mind, at least I managed to say 'no' to the wine!

Today, now I am home, there's unpacking, putting away, a bit of washing, a dishwasher to empty and some planning before tuition.  It is so nice to be home.  It's my safespace, my comfort zone and, much as I love my parents and their lovely home, there really is no place like your own home, is there.  I count my blessings every day.

Well, better get going . . . have a lovely day, one and all.  xx


  1. And I'm pleased for you, Joy, you sound so happy and positive (hopefully some might rub off on me!).

  2. Despite all the other stuff that's going on, I really do feel positive at the moment. It really helps.
    Hoping you get 'things' sorted quickly. And thank you very much.

  3. That is a fantastic achievement in one year and it is lovely to hear you appreciating the positive changes to your health and everyday life.

    I'm fairly sure that liquorice allsorts don't contain calories ... or is that where I'm going wrong?

  4. I have a feeling it might possibly be, Eileen. It really isn't fair, is it?

  5. Congratulations on all fronts.
    I would ideally like to lose 3½ stone, which would take me back to 1979 (before children) but I just like food too much!

  6. Thanks, Sue. My problem is food too - it's just so tasty, isn't it?

  7. Good Heaven's Joy, I hadn't realised that you had lost so much. That is fantastic and you must be so proud of yourself.
    I think we all like food too much!

  8. Thank you very much. I find it is easy to forget over the longer term and was a bit shocked when I realised. Pleased-shocked, I need to add!
    Food is tasty, It is supposed to be. AFter all, we all need it. :-)

  9. My goodness, you have had a busy day, Joy! By comparison I've been positively lazy. To start with, husband made porridge for breakfast (he usually does this, it's the one breakfast item he's good at!) and later on my oven cleaning man arrived - I have the oven cleaned professionally about twice a year. Yes, I clean it between times, I'm not a slut, but twice a year it gets a professional job and looks wonderful.
    But I have done something I didn't think I could do. With the help of a friend, who told me that there was a program I could download so that I could download photos to my new Instagram page, I have managed to do that. I didn't think I'd be able to as I don't have a smart phone or iPad or laptop, but I have managed it, way-hay!
    Losing five stones is wonderful. Well done!
    Margaret P

  10. That's a great achievement Joy. All positive changes. I'm so pleased for you. X

  11. Five stones! Well done! With best wishes for the rest of your journey.

  12. Thanks very much, everyone.

    Margaret, I suppose it was quite busy but it was pleasant and there was time for a few sit-downs too. I've used an oven cleaning company too - they do a grand job and, to my mind, worth the cash now and again. I guess I might treat myself for Christmas, now you have reminded me.

    Jules and Shenley, it sounds more impressive than it has felt from week to week but taking the long term view helps from time to time, doesn't it?
    Yesterday I read this:
    "Never let a stumble in the road be the end of your journey"
    so what you said, Shenley, really resonated. I wonder how much longer before I can change the destination to 'maintain'. :-)

