Friday 16 November 2018


Good morning, everyone!  It was very misty and damp when I came home from Slimming World yesterday evening and, while the mist seems to have cleared, it's still very damp and rather chilly this morning.  Brrrrr.

I was relieved to find that I've lost a pound and a half in the last week.  It seems to be steadying off at about that each week - slow and steady is fine by me.   It means that target is still some way off but, dear me, I've spent more or less the whole of my adult life being overweight or worse (usually worse) so a extra few months is not significant, is it?  And I'm getting closer and closer to a healthy BMI too, which is really important for me.
Another pound and a half off next week and I will get my next sticker and certificate!

Yesterday plodded on and nice, normal days usually do.  I got washing and ironing done and started knitting a warm hat as I don't seem to have one and I do feel the cold a lot more than I used to.  I'm winging it a bit as I don't have a pattern, but beanie style hats are not tricky.

I arranged a few social things for next week, noted a governors' meeting one evening and fixed the date for a governor visit to school.  It'll be all go next week and I will be coffee-logged by next Friday!

Today I have homey things this morning and am off to my parents this afternoon, leaving my home in the tender care of my daughter, bless her.
Hopefully, whatever you are doing, it will be a good day for us all.  Stay warm and dry!


  1. Good morning Joy - it is a grey damp day here - a bit of a contrast to the last two days - thankfully our new shed is well wrapped so it doesn't get too wet before we can paint it. Our plans have been altered as we have to go and pick up my daughter's anniversary gift today so the freezer and selection bags I need to do will have to wait.
    Have a lovely weekend - hope mum and dad are good. x

  2. You are doing fantastically well with your weight loss and slow and steady is definitely the way to go long term to give your body time to adjust, otherwise it'll just pile on again.

    Have an enjoyable weekend.

  3. Thanks, Viv and Annabeth.
    I'ds hate for it all to pile on again after all this work! Fingers crossed (and mouth shut)!
    Hoping your new plans for the day go well, Viv.

  4. Slow and steady wind the weight loss race. Drive carefully and enjoy your weekend with your parents.

  5. The SW method is entirely based on long-term habit change rather than crash dieting, so slow and steady is the way it is! I found I stabilised on about a kilo a month, which was fine with me. The key is to keep moving in the right direction, however slowly! It's so satisfying being able to choose new clothes in styles you'd never have considered before, as well as feeling healthier and more lively. I confess I've put on a few kg over the last year, so I'm taking a bit more care over my food choices and have cut out alcohol for the moment (that's a freebie instant way of losing weight for me).

  6. Do you ever find it difficult to continue with the diet/changes in eating, or has it now become a way of life? You are doing so well that sometimes it is easy to underestimate the effort it takes.

  7. It's dank and misty here, too, Joy. But hey, it's autumn, isn't it? And none of those awful forest fires to contend with which have killed so many and raised a whole town to the ground. Very well done on more weight loss. I should follow your example!!! Say now more ...
    It has now gone chilly and while the central heating is on (quite low as we just want to take the chill off), I'm sitting here with a h.w.b. on my knees! Oh, the comfort of something as simple as a h.w.b.
    Margaret P

  8. I like the SW way, Vewronica, it suits me very well, despite some of the 'little peculiarities'. Alcohol is a total trigger food for me so, mostly, I stay totally off it nowadays.
    Eileen, no, it's not always as easy as it sounds but it is getting better. It helps that mostly the recipes I now use/make up and very satisfying and filling but I still get, while not exactly cravings, a strong feeling that I must eat although I'm not hungry. It's getting better though.
    Margaret - hotties can be a great comfort, I agree. I have a fleece which I love to use when it gets chilly.
    Definitely slow and steady, Catriona, whether weight loss or driving to my parents. Thanks very much.

    Lovely comments, thank you, ladies.
