Sunday 25 November 2018


Good morning, everyone.  It's dull out there and looks damp but I haven't been to the shed yet so have no idea if it's chilly.  I'm glad I don't need to go out.

I'm also glad I made the effort to go into town yesterday.  I think it must have been 'meant' because the bus was waiting at the stop on the way there and turned up just as I reached the stop in town on the way home.

I think the Christmas Fair would have livened up later on and by the time the lights came on late afternoon, it would be rocking, I am sure.  It was OK in the morning, some good stalls and plenty of food (no, I didn't).

Each Christmas I have a little personal tradition which is to buy a new tree decoration, but only if I see something I absolutely love.  Some years I haven't bought anything at all.
However, one of the stalls was a 'fused glass' stall and they had Christmas decorations for sale.  I bought not one, not two, but three.

(apologies for the bad light quality)
Cute, aren't they?

I also went to Lakeland but was very restrained.  I got a lovely big roll of parchment and also some Christmas pasta.  Nothing else though, and I could have, believe me!

On the way back to the bus I popped into a 'candles and craft' sort of shop and bought my Christmas candles.  They also had some little Christmas tree shaped bowls that one can use in the oven so I bought a couple.  At £2 each, I couldn't say no, could I? 
No, I couldn't.

Today, Beth is round for lunch so it should be a lovely day.  I'm looking forward to it.  I hope your Sunday is good too.


  1. I ventured into town myself yesterday and made my first dip into festive waters. I bought a few cards and bought Lily a new decoration for the tree. Your fused glass ones are beautiful, especially the wreath.
    Lakeland can be my downfall. You were very restrained. I have to try and avoid it considering our nearest one is the flagship store.
    Enjoy your day with Beth. X

  2. It was the wreath that first caught my attention and the others followed on.
    Lucky you, living so close to the flagship Lakeland. It must be quite an experience!

  3. Well, I for one approve of your purchases the decorations are lovely.

  4. Those decorations are so cute - I love hand made things and they will look gorgeous on your tree when the light catches.
    I am waiting for lakeland to reduce their jam making pans again - hope I don't have to waiti too long.
    Have a lovely day with Beth - will you be busy sewing? x

  5. Thanks, Diane. I really love them and they'll look great on the tree. I'd have liked to have bought all of them to make a mobile but they weren't cheap!

    Viv, Beth will be sewing and I will be knitting probably. We'll both be busy anyway.


  6. Oh, the glass tree decs are gorgeous!

  7. You can see why they caught my eye, can't you?

  8. I think the decorations are beautiful and pasta just sounds so much fun!

  9. They both make me smile when I look at them for different reasons. :-)
