Thursday 29 November 2018


Good morning, everyone!

You know what they say about the best laid plans!  I didn't get half the stuff done yesterday that I had planned to do.  I pootled off to Sainsburys because I had decided to get one of their Christmas cakes this year as Beth is way too busy to make one and I am not confident enough.  I also trawled around their clothes and - er - bought some!  I am getting very naughty about this; it never used to be a 'thing' but it is now because I can!

I was also pleased to get something - or somethings - for little gifts for our girls' lunch.  You may remember that a small group of us meet regularly, albeit not frequently, for lunch or dinner.  December's is going to be lunch here at mine.  At the one just before Christmas, we get each other a little gift, nothing costly, just a token really but not tat!  I won't tell you what because they might be listening in but I'm really happy with what I have planned!

I then decided to detour to Wyvale on the way home and I'm glad I did because I managed to pick up a few bits and bobs for the hamper gifts plus a lovely poinsettia that should, treated properly, last into January and beyond.

Having rather idled yesterday away, I have made a list, a written list, for today so I'm hoping it will be a more productive time.  It's a free day (checks diary to make sure - yes it is) until tuition so I should achieve more than before!  And in between tasks, I shall get on with my knitting!

I hope you haven't been negatively affected by the bad weather.  Stay warm, dry and safe and have a lovely day.  See you tomorrow.


  1. Some days are just like that you have all these plans and they just evaporate.

  2. I am NoT liking this weather.
    Hope your list gets done today.........there's always tomorrow

  3. I was only thinking yesterday, I'm sure I was more prepared and organised for Christmas when I was teaching full time than I am this year. My lists are often neglected🤣 Have a good day.

  4. Yesterday was definitely one of those days, Diane! It was a happy day though, so no problems.
    Nor am I, Sue. A bit of sun would be cheering. And yes, there is always tomorrow! Especially now. Happy!
    Me too, Lynn - I used to have all my cards written during the October half term, most of my presents, planned in the summer, bought and wrapped by the end of November, and my Christmas meals planned. The roastriues would be in the freezer, plus the cranberry sauce, bread sauce and other stuff. I guess it's because we HAD to. Now we don't. Nice, isn't it?


  5. A TA friend and I always did our Christmas prep by Oct half term and so we enjoyed our school Christmas run up. I think we were the least stressed of the staff, because of it. I have to admit I am enjoying my slower paced days.

  6. I haven't even decided what I'm doing for Christmas this year let alone do any preparation. My tentative ideas for celebrating in the run up to the big day were squashed yesterday when I agreed for the new decorator to work his magic w/c 17th December so I won't be hosting anything that week!

  7. A good excuse to go out and celebrate that week, eh, Eileen? :-)

    I always enjoyed Christmas at school too, Lynn. A very special feeling, even if the children were hyper.

    Back to the tasks now! :-)

  8. I am forever swapping and changing plans as the mood takes me - it is very easy to do now I am no longer working - I could get used to it - but I do need to keep myself focused now until Christmas and do what I have planned to do. We shall see!
    PS in some ways I am glad that I do swap about as we had planned to come up here to Scotland on Wednesday - the weather here in the village was so bad there is a big hunt on for a missing couple whose car was found on the beach - I keep thinking that could have been us and how glad I swapped the day to Thursday to give me more time to pack. x
