Saturday 3 November 2018


Good morning, everyone.  No proper post this morning as I slept until nearly half past seven (incredible) and must get up and do stuff.  I'll be back! 


  1. Half seven is EARLY for us, Joy! It is now 8.20am and I'm not really fully awake although I'm typing this! It's a dull morning so far, but still no rain. The reservoirs in Devon really need it.
    You sound like you really love teaching still. It must be great when a child suddenly "gets it", understand something they have previously found difficult. Long may you continue to teach, Joy, feeding the brains of the young ones with knowledge.
    Margaret P

  2. I know it is but for me it's pretty late.
    I do love teaching, always have done. It's all the other rubbish that surrounds teaching that I disliked. Thank you for your very kind words.
