Wednesday 21 February 2018


Good morning, everyone.  It's Wednesday: it used to be my least favourite day as it was such a long day at school with staff meeting tacked on the end so the rest of the school work had to be done well into the evening after that which shattered me for the rest of the week.  Now, I rather like it.

I know some of you had sun yesterday but, sadly, here it was rain most of the day with just an hour when the sun struggled to break through.  However, by three it was raining gustily again in time for schools coming out and that was that!

Beth came round for dinner and we had a lovely natter.  Work is going well for her which is lovely.  Alex was home last weekend and seems to be doing great.  He'll be home again soon and I hope to see him then.

Today will be a busy day.  I have various bits and bobs to do first thing, then I'm off to a friend's house for lunch and a good chat and catch-up before whizzing home for tuition.

The liver shrinking diet seems to be going well enough, despite the challenge of devising meals with fairly restricted amounts.  I think I am getting into the swing of it now and there's no real problems (yet).  I think that because it is medical, as opposed to primarily cosmetic, there's an added motivation there.  It's not a long term eating plan but it could be with a few minor tweaks.

Well, I need to get going with the list of things to do before I see my friend, so I will get going or they will never be done. 
Have a super day, everyone.


  1. I'm so delighted to hear how well Alex is doing.
    As far as your diet is concerned.....well done.
    Looking on it as a challenge to your cooking experience is obviously working.
    At least by April you may be able to drop the strict regime.
    I'll be interested to hear whether you continue with a gentler version as it's
    obviously achieved the desired weight loss as a by product! Sue

  2. Thanks. Yes, it has and the same thought has crossed my mind too - with a few tweaks such as more veg. Interesting, isn't it?
    J x

  3. Glad the diet is not too onerous.

  4. Glad the diet is going well (says she, having a small piece of chocolate!)
    It's funny how we don't like some days of the week, left-over memories of things happening at school or at work, perhaps. My mother always hated Mondays as that was traditionally wash day when she was little (she was born 1912) and her memories were of her mother up to her elbows in soapy water or having clothes drying around the coal fire (no central heating or washing machines I those days.) This memory never left her and she never really liked Mondays. I liked Thursdays because it was double Geography and the Geography room at my grammar school overlooked the playing field where boys from the Boys' Grammar came to play cricket, so we used to rush to try and get window seats for obvious reasons! I don't remember much of the lessons, of course!
    Margaret P
